Chapter 4: Meeting

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Two weeks later and Thomas still insisted to try and woo me. I was flattered because such an attractive man was interested in me but something was keeping me from him. But I didn't know what. Thankfully he wasn't pushy.

"Here are the reports." I said quickly handing Thomas some files.

I tried not to make eye contact while he smiled at me and took them.

"Grace?" I heard a voice say. I looked beyond Thomas and saw Ian walking closer.

Thomas turned and watched Ian walk towards us.

"Hey." I greeted him with a smile. "Ian, my manager Thomas." I said introducing them.

They shook hands.

"Well thanks for the reports." Thomas said turning back to me.

"Yeah no problem." I replied.

"Ready to go?" Ian asked.

I nodded my head and made sure I had everything I needed. "Ill see you Wednesday!" I said waving at Thomas.

We made our way to an elevator and stepped in. "You guys a thing?" He asked looking down at me.

I made a weird face. " No, no, no."

"He sure would want to be though." He said smirking.

I let out a small laugh. "Yeah well..." I said trailing off. "It's not gonna happen." I said shrugging.

We drove to my house so he could drop me off. That morning Ian was going over by my work so he had offered to take me there and back.

I stopped as I was halfway out of his car. I sat back down and looked at him. After a few moments of thinking I spoke. "Do you want to meet Isabelle?" I asked.

"Sure!" he said nodding his head.

He helped me with my stuff while we made our way up the steps to the house. Ian unlocked the door for me and we stepped in. Isabelle was screaming and laughing from Lily tickling her on the ground. Their joyful faces both looked in our direction. I smiled and Ian set the stuff on a table in the front entrance where I told him to.

"Mommy!" Isabelle yelled as she bolted towards me.

"Hey sweetie." I said opening my arms. She gave me a sweet hug. I stood up from my crouching position and looked at Lily.

"Here's your money!" I said handing it to her. She pulled her eyes away from Ian and took it. "You're Ian from Smosh!" she seemed to be in La La land.

He nodded his head and smiled. I was confused.

"Oh my gosh my friend is like obsessed with you. She's made me watch your videos and I love them!" She said excitedly.

"Hey thanks!" he said. He gave her a hug and they talked for a few more minutes.

"Well I gotta go. My moms probably wondering!" she said turning back to me.

I was sitting on the floor with Isabelle and I looked up. "Okay. Thanks again." I said.

"Bye Lil!" Isabelle said waving.

She smiled and waved back, exiting the house.

"Smosh?" I questioned leaning down to pick up Isabelle.

He laughed. "Yeah it's me and Anthony's YouTube channel." He said.

I nodded my head. "Ahh, I see. I feel like I remember Kalel telling me." I said. "Well anyways, Isabelle this is Ian." I said standing up and holding her.

Ian smiled at her. She expressed a faint smile before she started to blush and look away.

"Can you at least say hi?" I said bouncing her up so she wouldn't slip anymore. She bit her bottom lip and looked at me. She quickly shook her head.

I giggled. "Usually she isn't shy at all! But I guess you just have stunned her!" I joked.

"Well come in and sit down. Ill go get some drinks." I said walking into the living room still holding Isabelle. "Why don't you show Ian your cool Barbie collection." I said placing her on the ground next to all her barbies.

I went into the kitchen to get some drinks. I got an apple juice for Isabelle and waters for me and Ian.

"...and this is Ken." She said holding him up. "He's the cutest." She loudly whispered.

I held in my laugh while I placed the drinks on the coffee table.

We all talked and Ian played with Isabelle some for about an hour or so. Ian and I ended up watching some show on TV while Isabelle was passed out in between me and him.

"It's ten; I should probably go." He said in a whisper tone.

"Okay." I mouthed back. I slowly picked Isabelle up in my arms and took her to her room where I tucked her in.

I came back out and saw Ian by the front door. "Thanks for having me longer than I expected." He said laughing quietly.

"I had fun! And I think Isabelle did too." I replied.

"I'll see you soon...probably." He said putting his jacket on.

I smiled. "Yeah, hopefully." I mentally kicked myself. That was not what I wanted to say.

He was caught a little off guard but he seemed to agree.

"See ya." he said reaching for the door.

"Bye." I replied watching him walk out.

There's Two of Us. (Ian Hecox Fanfic)**Where stories live. Discover now