{10} Saviour

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The sound of the carriage hitting the ground gently, awakes us from our trance and our lips part as I laugh lightly at the fact we completely ignored the world on the way down from the Ferris wheel and got lost in each other.

Resting my head on Tobias' shoulder softly, we wait for the man to come and let us out the carriage while I can't keep the seismic smile off my face. Tobias puts his lips in my hair and I feel his identical smile gracing my forehead, making my stomach flutter even more, if that's possible.

"Come on then, love birds!" The man jeers and he walks over to us, a knowing smile on his face as he opens the lock on the carriage and holds it open for us. A light blush covers my cheeks as I duck my head when Tobias takes my hand and pulls me off the carriage, giving the man a suspicious glare, which makes me giggle softly.

Tobias swings our arms between us as we start to walk back to the carpark and a sudden thought brings me out of my dreamlike high.

"Tobias?" I ask, suddenly getting all timid. His head turns and his eyebrows furrow at my change in tone.

"What's up?" He stops us and looks down at me, his eyes swimming in concern.

I look down avoiding his gaze. "You never...said that-you...you know..." My voice shakes as I struggle to get my words out. Why am I so nervous all of a sudden?

"I never what?" He asks, his head tilting slightly, showing his obvious confusion.

"You never said that you loved me too?" I say rushed, suddenly becoming very venerable. Why was I so brave earlier when I professed my love? I wasn't scared of any rejection, so why was I now? Especially after he just kissed me!

Tobias throws his head back in a laugh before taking both my hands in his. "Don't scare me like that Tris!" He laughs, as I blush, feeling silly I asked in the first place. "But it was a completely reasonable question."

Tobias' thumb reaches up and he gently pulls my lip from it's hold in my teeth- that I didn't even realise I was doing- while smiling gently.

"Tris Prior, I am utterly and completely in love with you. I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner, but I couldn't help myself but taste those lips." He drops my hands and instead, places then on both on my cheeks, bringing our faces closer, his nose nearly on mine. "You make me laugh. You're smart. You're different. Believe it or not, you have changed me. Slowly but surely, I can feel myself turning into the man I've only dreamt of being."

Our lips then meet for the second time, more sure this time. He instantly wraps his arms around my waist and I'm grateful. Because the moment his soft lips press against mine, my knees become weak.


The rain falls in gentle whispers outside as we stay sheltered inside the lighthouse, snuggled under a soft blanket listening to the radio and the soft pitter patter of the rain.

A ghost smile lands on my lips as I cuddle further into Tobias, knowing that this is possibly the happiest I ever been. And it's Tobias who made me this way. Even if that day of the teamwork challenge is the worst day of my life, I'm suddenly grateful it happened. If not, I would never have met the wonderful man curled up beside me.

"Tobias." I say, tilting my head up to his face to see his expression - he seems just as at ease as me.

"Yeah?" Tobias leans over and effortlessly turns the radio down so he can hear me clearer.

"That day...of the teamwork challenge." I say, a burst of pride erupting at the fact that I say it without stuttering of feeling an ounce of fear at the though of it.

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