{6} Dilemmas

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Stopping the massive grin on my face as I walked back to the orphanage just wasn't an option, and it seemed that it would stay there for the rest of my life, not that that would be a problem, it was just... deep inside, I knew it wouldn't last.

And I was correct.

See, that's why I'm curled up in my bed right now like a fetus, infinite tears streaming down my cheeks like a waterfall, my whole body aching with pain and bruises. As I lie on my tear soaked pillow, I can't seem to get one question out my head. The question that has been haunting me the minute I was sent off to this place.

Why me?

Confused? Let's step back for a bit.

I was feeling the most happy I've felt in a long time. I no longer felt alone, Tobias cared for me. Actually, cared for me. And just the thought made me all giddy inside.

It was about noon when I finally left the swimming baths, and bid my sweet goodbyes to Tobias, not before he insisted that he put his number in my phone. I blushed, but agreed nonetheless.

Hurridly, I walked home, eagar to get home, only to text Tobias again. I coudn't get enough of him. I was almost scary that I depended on him now, he was my happiness and without him I was back to be the loney girl at the orphanage.

Unfortunatly, it was enevitable that my happiness wasn't going to last. And I knew that from the second I saw Lauren and Peter stood in the hallway, as if they were awaiting my return.

My thought were comfirmed when the sound of the door closing snapped their attention to me. Lauren glared murderously whereas Peter just smirked. It seemed like Peter couldn't form any other facial expression.

"Well, well, look who's back." Lauren spat, and jumped off the table she was sat at and started walking towards me. I took a step back, weary of what they were gonna do. Lauren let out a squeal of a laugh and nudged Peter beside her. "Look she's scared, Peter!"

The smile of glee I had with Tobias was gone and I could no longer breathe. It felt like I was breathing through a straw and I didn't realise how much I was backing away until my back harshly hit the wooden front door with a bang.

"We're not gonna hurt you, Tris." Lauren's head tilted sweetly with the façade that everyone thought was her real self whereas I knew better.

"Yet." Peter muttered and my fists clenched. I wanted so badly to hit them. They had ruined, or was going to ruin, my perfect day with Tobias. I wanted so badly to show them I wasn't weak. The courage from today had encouraged me. I don't have to deal with this. I am brave.

But would I really hurt them, just like they have hurt me countless times in the past? I wasn't sure. Wouldn't that make me just like them?

"We just want to know where you've been all day." Lauren smiled as if we were the best of friends.

I ignored her question and, with the knew found courage walked away from the scene, trying to get up the stairs into my room. There, I would have been safe.

Except I didn't get that far. Peter, of course, stuck it foot out and I went thundering to the floor, my chin landing roughly on the first step of the stair with a bang. Oddly, I smelt the blood before I tasted it, but once I did, the pungent tang on my tongue made me want to throw up.

"Tris, Tris, Tris." Peter bent down so his sneering features were lined up with mine, as he shook his head with disappointment. "You don't learn do you? We can't have you getting confident, can we?"

Lauren's long claws suddenly clamped down on my cheek, pulling it to face her. I groaned in pain, feeling the blood dribbling out my mouth. "It would ruin all the fun." She creepily grinned.

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