{4} Invitations

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"This is better than I ever imagined!" Tobias exclaims, his hands on his waist as we stand back and marval at the masterpeice. It turned out amazing, if I do say so myself!

The humongous Ferris wheel took up the most of the right side of the lighthouse, it's willowy structure cascading gracefully over the doorway. We had also painted green grass and little violet flowers at the bottom too, well, I did most of it as Tobias refused saying mine would be much better. He mostly coloured in the block colours matching the gentle pencil outline I did.

After a few minutes of us marvelling at the beautiful lighthouse, I feel Tobias' heavy gaze on me so I turn to face him and he doesn't even seem embarrassed that he was full on staring at me. I avert my eyes back to the lighthouse but I can't help but blush.

"You hungry?" Tobias asks, through a sigh of exhaustion. We have been working for hours and even the skies were beginning to darken around us but we still had the light of the orange setting sun and obviously the lighthouse shining from above.

"Very." I reply, my stumach grumbling as if on cue which makes Tobias chuckle, the rare smile appearing that I love. I study his face as it scrunches up in thought- his eyes narrow, his eyebrows pull together and he bites his plump lower lip.

"I originally wanted us to go out for dinner..." Tobias says slowly, and starts to trudge inside and I follow him. My heart accelerates. Did he mean like a date? "But now I'm really craving some fish and chips takeaway, what do you think?"

"That sounds great." I reply as he grabs his keys and wallet. I grin until I realise how we are dressed and a slight frown covers my face. "Wait, are we going out like this?" I point down at our clothing. For starters, Tobias' clothing drowned me, making me look like a child who was trying on adult clothing.

Next there was the paint splodges, covering the large clothing and all my skin that was showing like my arms and the bottom of my legs.

"The fish and chips place is only round the corner." Tobias says, shrugging. "I go there all the time, they wont care."

I nod slowly, kind of unsure about going out like this, but I don't want to make a scene infront of Tobias or make it seems like all I care about is my appearence. Especially when he's been nothing but kind and understanding all day.

I have to remember that it's not like I have teenagers constantly around me judging me here, it's only Tobias. And so far he's done nothing of the sort.

So, I follow him out the door and watch him lock up the lighthouse, being careful of the wet paint we've both perfected for the last three hours.

As I stare at the perfect man in front of me, I can't help but feel confused all of a sudden. Why doesn't he judge me like all the other kids? Why is he so understanding and kind to me? Does he pity me? Does he think I'm a lost cause?

'I've never felt like this before ' were his words. But what does that mean? What does he feel like?

'I love your company.' As a friend? More? Would he ever be interested in me? A useless orphan? Am I just attracted to him because he's the only person whose ever been kind to me?

Does he do this lots of girls he meets? Is this an normal occurrence for him? Is it normal to feel this way about a friend? To feel so safe and...at home?

I sigh heavily. So many questions yet not enough answers.

"We're here." Tobias chimes and I jump in surprise. I was too lost in thoughts to realise we had arrived at the fish and ships place. He was definitely correct when he said it was only round the corner. "You just want a portion of fish and chips then?"

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