ㅤㅤ↬ week 1

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↬ well monday already started off with a bang. i told my sister i feel hated by every member of the house and now that feeling has prolonged. idek how i'm gonna approach my dad to say anything anymore. maybe i'm overthinking it as well, but i'm even nervous to ask him about tuition for next semester.. i-

↬(tuesday) i had kind of movie day today, i finally watched everything everywhere all at once, don't worry darling and don't look up. they just haven't interested me enough but i finally did it.

↬and i can't stop obsessing over avatar 2. y'all neteyam literally never died. the great mother is preserving his life so that kiri can bring him back in the 3rd movie. and yes, this has been confirmed.

↬ also there's literally an exam tomorrow and i am in no shape or form ready. i cannot afford to be doing this bs in college, yet here tf i am- lackadaising.

↬(wednesday) i tried my best for that exam. it wasn't too bad but it definitely wasn't the best.. what i reap is what i sow.

↬(thursday) was hectic asf. had to do a lot of travelling today. usually i might have been driven by my dad but.. idk how to say anything to that guy anymore, so travelling it is. i'm so tiredddd.

↬(friday) a peaceful day, literally did nothing, except read. downloaded the first few episodes of strong girl bong soo hut haven't watched it yet, so we'll get to that soon

↬(saturday) hung out with my friends today. we watched the first and last episode of thth s4 and then played games, ate, did karaoke and a bunch of random convos. but it was fun

↬that's it for the week..

❥ 08/01/23

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