Chapter Eighteen (part 11)

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*Cautiously peaks around the corner* Uh, hey,, I'm back. First of all, a huge apology for the long wait. I had been dealing with some heavy writer's block, blah ;P

Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that I've been doing a lot of editing on the previous chapters (the plot is still the same tho), so I would recommend going back and reading them before you read this one. *Audience heavily groaning* I know, I know. It's a pain to have to go backwards, but if you don't, this chapter might be confusing. So, some of the major ones I've changed are: Chapter's 5, 9, 12, 14, 15, and 17. 

And for those of you who are already up to date on the story, just ignore this message and enjoy the chapter :) 




I shifted uncomfortably, the grass crunching softly underneath my boots, my senses on full alert. The rhythmic chirping of birds and cricket song had long become only white noise as I strained my ears, listening to the sound of the tall grass swaying gently in the wind.

We were standing side-by-side in the middle of a large meadow, somewhere on top of the waterfall, yet far enough away that the rushing water could no longer be heard. Pan had turned off his lantern earlier, but instead of being engulfed in total blackness, the silver moon shone like a night light in the starry midnight sky above, illuminating the clearing in a dim, bluish haze; just enough to make out the rolling sea of grass. It was like we had stepped into another world; the area looked completely out of place, compared to the rest of the island's lush, thick growth of vegetation. Less confining, too.

"What are we waiting for?" I whispered.

Pan immediately shushed me. "Be patient."

I frowned wordlessly, but the uneasy thoughts continued to race. Did we really just trek an hour through the forest, just to stand in an empty field? What was this place? Why did he bring me here? And why did I agree to go?

Another cool breeze blew passed, permeating through the thin material of my long-sleeved shirt and rustling my hair. I pushed a loose strand away from my face and wrapped my arms around my body tightly—not due to the cold, but from the anxiety that was starting to creep in. With every unidentified sound I heard, I had to resist the urge to move closer to him. Stupid fears.

After a few more moments, I couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm leaving," I announced and turned on my heel, ready to wade through the knee-high grass and start the long hike back to camp.

"If you wish," Pan replied simply. 'Now he was giving me a choice?'

"...But good luck trying to find your way back in the dark."

I hesitated, my gaze going to the dark outline of the forest. It seemed bigger at night; more vast and scary, and the silhouettes of the bordering trees and bushes appeared as looming, misshapen figures. I was more than aware that this was the wilderness; where wild animals and poisonous insects roamed free. But I knew I'd rather be anywhere than here with him.


I nibbled on my bottom lip, frustrated. Finally, with newfound contempt, I begrudgingly dragged my feet back over to him, my arms crossed over my chest. I couldn't see his face clearly, but I could bet that his infamous smug smirk was rightfully in its place.

"Besides," Pan started, not even trying to conceal the complacency in his tone. "If you leave now, you'll miss the show."

My brows furrowed in confusion. That's when I noticed the sudden shift in the air. The wind had died down—but it wasn't just that. Everything had become still; the crickets, birds, even my own thoughts. It was like the whole forest had quieted—waiting. For what exactly, I didn't know. I could hear the blood pumping through my ears and the hammering of my heartbeat against my chest.

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