Chapter Seven (part 4)

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As I followed Pan along a narrow dirt path back to the Lost Boy's camp, I took the time to survey my surroundings. I couldn't get over how beautiful it was here, aside from the short daylight hours and the inevitable swarms of nagging insects (especially at night). The air was fresh and humid, rich with the scent of dirt and moss, and alive with the background noises of exotic birds and animals. A dense canopy of leaves and tree branches hung above, only allowing tiny streams of light to touch the ground, radiating the forest in a golden glow.

It truly was a sight to behold.

My eyes had been looking everywhere but at the path in front of me and I smacked right into something that felt strangely equivalent to a wall, but was warm. I staggered back in shock at the unexpected contact.

Pan was fighting back a smirk as he turned to face me, but his emerald green eyes hid nothing. "Pay attention."

"What did you say?" I questioned in confusion.

He lightly rolled his eyes. "I said tomorrow you'll start your training as a Lost Girl."

My brows furrowed slightly. "I thought I was already a Lost Girl."

"It's a little more complicated than that," He said. "Like every other lost boy, you have to earn the official title by proving your loyalty and commitment through a series of training courses."

"What kind of training courses?"

Pan smirked, a mischievous twinkle dancing in his eyes. "If I told you that now, it would be spoiling the surprise."

I eyed him warily, wondering what the so-called training would entail. And what exactly would we be training for?

I didn't ask these questions, however, and instead I held my hand out to him, palm up. He glanced at it and then looked up at me, his eyebrow raised.

"If I'm going to be a Lost Girl, I'll need my knife back."

Once again, that amused look returned. "Very well."

His eyes never leaving mine, he extended his hand and, out of thin air, my knife appeared in it. I was momentarily stunned by the trick, but did my best not to show it.

Pan held the knife out to me and I reached for it, only to have him draw it back.

"I trust you'll play nicely with the other lost boys," He said, referring to my previous run in with Felix when I first got to the island. It was meant to sound stern, but the playful twitch in his lips made it lose its full effect.

"We shouldn't have a problem," I replied, taking the knife from him. "As long as you keep a tighter leash on your guard dog."

Pan let out a short laugh through his nose. "You don't have to worry about Felix, I assure you."


Pan turned and continued walking, brushing passed a fern bush and into a clearing of trees. The distinct sound of boys' hoots and laughter hit my ears, telling me that we arrived at the camp. I followed after Pan, entering into the clearing.

It was very much like the first day; the lost boy's were dancing around the bonfire, clacking sticks together and whooping and hollering in a joyous manner. Felix was seated on a log nearby in that same brooding fashion, his hood covering his head and the side of his face lit orange as he stared absentmindedly into the fire, undisturbed by the festivities going on around him.

"Boys!" Pan shouted over the noise to gain their attention as I came to a stop a foot away.

Almost immediately, the celebration died down and the Lost Boy's turned to face him. Felix stood as well, instantly moving to the front of the mass. When his icy blue eyes landed on mine, they narrowed slightly.

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