Chapter Seventeen (part 10)

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"Please, don't leave me!"

I sobbed, clutching onto my mother's lifeless body on the ground. Blood drenched both her clothes and mine. There was so much blood. 

"Mother! Wake up!" I shook her desperately, tears streaming down my face, but still there was no response.


Suddenly, I felt a pair of meaty hands grab me roughly from behind. "NO!" I viciously kicked and screamed at the top of my lungs, thrashing in their hold as they started dragging me away. "Let me go! Mother! Let me save her! LET ME SAVE HER!"

No matter how hard I fought and pounded my captor, my efforts were futile. But still I cried out.

Then, at once, the hands behind me were gone. But no sooner than they disappeared, another pair of strong hands—these ones firm, but unaggressive—grasped my upper arms, shaking me.

"No, get off of me!"


"Let me go! I have to go back!" I attempted to shove them away, but they held fast--shaking me more urgently.

"Bailey, wake up!"


A bright, flickering light shone in my face before it was quickly pulled away. I blinked rapidly, allowing my eyes to adjust to the sudden change and found I was back in my tent, sitting up in bed with the blanket kicked off me. My clothes were soaked with sweat and my breathing was ragged.

Noah's warm hazel eyes were the first ones to see, the concern in them illuminated by the orange glow of the lantern in his hand. Then, slowly, my mind comprehended the five other Lost Boys huddled next to him, peering down at me, bleary eyed, and speaking in hushed whispers amongst themselves; some looking worried while others looked agitated that I had disturbed their sleep.

"Another nightmare?"

"This is the fifth one since she got here."

"Is she okay?"

"I thought Pan said they'd only be temporary."

"Leave her alone, Cainan," That was Darien's little voice. "You wake up with bad dreams, too."

"Not every night. And not like this."


Pan's stern voice cut through their bickering. I was just noticing him sitting on the edge of my bed, his head trained in their direction.

"Back to bed, all of you. You need to be well rested for training in the morning."

There were a few grumbles of protest, and a glare or two directed at me, but the Lost Boys obeyed and, one by one, they filed out of the tent. Noah was the last to leave, setting the glowing lantern down on my dresser. He lingered a moment at the doorway, almost hesitant, as he briefly glanced between Pan and I. Then he slipped out into the blackness, leaving us alone.

I scooted back until I was pressed against the headboard and pulled my knees up to my chest, putting as much distance as I could between us. I hadn't realized my body was trembling until now, my nightmare still very clear in my mind.

Pan watched me for a moment with that same concerned frown as some of the Lost Boys had, though it was more subdued.

"What are your nightmares of?"

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