cant turn back now

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I'm sitting in this rehab place looking confused. I thought about everything I have done and the only person I wanna say sorry to is my daughter. I thank god for sending trey back in my life cause lords knows what would have happened to my baby. I thought about all the good times me and my sister had. I look at the scratch I had on my knee and I remember how I got it .

*flash back*

me and my sister was playing on the tree and I felled off and scratched my knee up . all my other scratches went away except for that long one. my sister cleaned my knee up and kissed it and told me it was going to be OK. I was 7 and she was 6. she thought I had a major injury so she slept with me to make sure I was OK .

*flash back over*

my sister was always there for me even when my mama wasn't . I just sat there on the bed thinking. I been taking these drugs classes in this place and I learn something new everyday . trey and laniyah come up here everyday during my visiting hours and bring me something to eat and go places. he told me when I get out next week I'm going to be moving In with him. I know we wouldn't be able to have sex and make another baby because I have HIV . I don't know how to tell him or my sister so I'm going to tell them when I get out. the doctor says I need to take care of myself but I will be dying either way it goes. I just cried cause the little ole thick me is now skinny and dying.

romone POV

I heard TAMIA is in rehab and she back with her baby daddy I just smiled cause now she happy (maybe). I drunk my last beer and said sorry to everybody and I put the gun to my head . I couldn't keep getting punish by god I have to get away from this guilt. I killed and hurt so many people that now its catching up with me . I pulled the trigger POW! I was now dead . guilty free

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