No thugs ! NO NO NO !

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TY'kia POV

I walked down my drive way and put laniyah in her seat. I drove my sister  blue and black Bugatti. I  know i know y'all wondering how she got that car. Well my sister new boyfriend(thug) bought her it for her 17th birthday. I hop in cause she gave me  a key set cause she easily loose stuff . I drove back out the drive way and into the streets off to the park we go. I seen a close by Taco Bell so i pulled into the drive way and order me 4 hard tacos and 2 soft tacos for laniyah. " it will be 8.19 ma'am"the lady said. i got out my wallet and pulled out a 10 and drove up to the window and handed her the 10. She gave me back my change and told me to pull up to the next window . As i waited for my food i called  Leah my best friend. 

*Phone conversation*

me: wassup bitch 

Leah: what's good hoe

me: hell nothing bout to head to the downtown park you down

Leah: and you know this ,ima pick up Zoe we will meet you there in 15

me: alright hoe and bring AJ i got laniyah

Leah: gotcha boo

*end of phone conversation*

the car in front of me pulled out the drive thru so i pulled up to the second window got me and my teetee baby food  and we was out . i turn on my radio and meant to be by TLC was on i turned it up and started singing

This goes out to forever

Through sunshine or the rainiest weather

And no matter what it will always be us together

I said if I got nothing else

I got memories of what we felt

I sit alone laughing to myself

Sometimes, about it

Those silly reasons we would fight

No, no matter who was wrong or right

We will always there

Sharing this love, sharing this life

'Cause we knew, said we always knew

And no matter what would've come

That we were

Meant to be

And it ain't going to be easy

And no matter what baby we're meant to be

We ain't never had known if

We were always meant to be

Meant to be

 before the song went off we was already at the park. i parked and cut the car off. i grabbed me and laniyah food and grab laniyah and closed the door and locked it." oo pwark ,swing swing teetee swing !" laniyah yelled in excitement I laughed and said yes baby park . i let her hand go and she took off she was on everything the slide ,swing ,merry go round etc. i just sat on the bench and ate my tacos until i seen this fine ass boy coming over. He stood at about 6'5 ,light skinned,tattoos,and a diamond earring in one ear,long dreads,swag was point,and his eyes was green . i got nervous but he looked like a thug and i don't do em .

"wassup ma" he said while sitting next to me yup i was right a thug is what he is ." first off my name is not ma ,I'm not your mother don't come up to me with that wannabe thug slang , my name is Ty'kia motherfucking mariaha James " i yelled at him. He looked at me with a shock expression on his face." i'm sorry Ty'kia i didn't mean to be disrespectful you are so beautiful that i couldn't resist coming over" he explain. i seen in his charming eyes that he was truly sorry so i just replied with "alright " . "well my name is jaylen and i wanna know can i get your number" he ask. i fumbled with my fingers debating in my head rather i should give him my number or not .i finally decided to give it too him. He gave me his phone and  i put my number in and he smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek" i will call you later" and with that he walked off.

ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! i heard screaming so i turned  around and there stood screaming Leah and Zoe . Leah and Zoe was twins . " y'all some creeps "i said laughing . They came and sat on the bench ." who was that "they both said at the same time. " nobody special where's AJ" i asked. " mhmh he's with laniyah" Zoe said. i looked over where laniyah was and there they was playing in the sand. We talk and laugh until it was getting dark . We all loaded in our cars and we went i separate ways. i drove home in silence thinking about jaylen. i finally reach my house parked my sister car and grabbed laniyah unlock the house door and  went in i was tired. My mom was home so i decided to go see her in the kitchen to let her know I'm back and laniyah in the living room.

"hey mom laniyah in the living room we just got back from the park . I'm tired so can you watch her" i asked

"yes sweety go on ahead"she assured me .

i went into my room and i took off my clothes and changed to my tank top and boy shorts and lay in my bed watching love & hip hop until i dozed off. 

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