Luna Goes to Hogwarts

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Luna woke up before me, but I had put my arm around her before she went to bed, so she just layed on my chest for a while. Soon she needed to start getting ready. Today was the day she was leaving for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. I was happy for her, but of course I was upset about it, too. I didn't want her to leave. I wanted her to stay with me, not go away. But, of course, I wanted her to finish her education. So, she needed to go.

I woke up when Luna got up. She was going to let me sleep in a little, because she knew that I would take less time than her to get ready. She was planning to take a shower and then wake me up so I could take one, but since I woke up, she decided that I could take a shower and she would go downstairs and make breakfast with her dad.

I took a quick shower and got dressed. When I was finished I went downstairs by Luna and her father. Luna looked absolutely adorable with her messy bed hair and too large jim jams. I loved every second of it.

"Hi, honey," she said with a smile when I walked into the kitchen.

I smiled back.

She looked at her father. "I'm going to go take a shower." And then she looked at me. "You should eat." She smiled, and moved a little so I could see all the food that her and her father made.

"Thank you, Luna," I said to her with a smile on my face. And walked over to the counter with the food on it.

Luna took a fairly quick shower and then came back downstairs, looking cute as a button, of course.

She had put her hair up in one of those swirly towel like things and had thrown on a quick pair of red pants with a paint-splatter pattern on them with a t-shirt that I had bought for her that summer.

"You guys need to get going soon. Are your bags packed?" Xeno asked Luna after taking a drink of some tea that I had made over the past few days. He seemed to like it okay, the first time he tried it, he thought it was a little strange, but I feel like he's grown to like it.

"Yes, Neville said he would bring them down for me last night," Luna told him in her sweet voice, walking over to the counter to get herself some tea.

It was true, I did tell her I would take her bags down for her. I quickly finished my toast and put my dishes in the sink. Then I walked up the stairs to get her bags. As I was walking I heard Xeno say "how sweet of him" to Luna.

I could see Luna smiling at that, her rosy cheeks turning even more red like they always did when she talked about me. I thought it was quite adorable.

I grabbed her bags and took them downstairs, not using magic because I always seemed to mess up that sort of thing, and we really didn't have time to clean up all of Luna's things off the ground before we left.


We got to Platform 9 ¾ with enough time for me to give Luna a kiss goodbye, but then she had to go. I told her I loved her as she was walking through the crowd to get to the door, and I heard her sweet, little voice shout back "I love you too!"

I was very sad about her leaving... But I know it's better for her. So, I guess I'm just going to have to stay with Xenophilius for a while... Wait for her to come back for Christmas or wait for the closest Hogsmeade trip... I was going to miss her like crazy...

I already missed her like crazy...


Short chapter. Sorry, babies. I didn't know what else for this chapter. Maybe I'll finish this one up soon, and make another one for when they're older. :) What do you guys think of that? Or should I just keep this one going? I also might update again really soon because I feel bad about how terrible this chapter is... Soon, babies. Soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2014 ⏰

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