The Muggle Restaurant

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Luna's father bought her the blue sundress and we left the store quickly.

I was getting hungry.

Luna said she was getting hungry.

Xeno said he was starving.

"We have to find a Muggle restaurant!" he exclaimed.

I looked at Luna, who was still holding my hand tightly.

She was looking around for a place to eat, her perfect blue-grey eyes searching the area for a restaurant that looked good.

And then she found one.

"Look over there, Daddy!"

"Oh, yes. I think that one look's like the one to try."

"Ella's Deli," I say.

"Let's go!" Xeno shouts.

Luna starts skipping to the restaurant, and I walked quickly to stay with her. She never let go of my hand.


We stood inside the restaurant, and waited to be seated. It was super busy in that place...

We finally got seated and a waiter came up to us, asking what we wanted to drink.

"Do you have butterbeer?" Xeno asked.

"Butterbeer?" the waiter asked. "I'm sorry, sir. I'm not quite sure what that is..."

"Oh, yes. That's fine. I would like a glass of..." he looked around, trying to see a drink that looked interesting. When he couldn't find one, he looked down at the drink menu. "I'll have the... Orange Crush?"

"Sure," the waiter said, then looked at me. "You, sir?"

"Uh.. I'll have a glass of water," I said, wanting to stick to the things I knew.

"Of course," he turned to Luna. "You, miss?"

"I'd like to try the lemonade, please," she said, smiling.

"Alright. I'll be right back with those."

Luna looked at me. "Would you like to try my drink since you didn't get an unusual one?"

"If you want me to try something unusual, then I would love to," I told her.

She smiled at me.

"You guys can try mine, too," Xeno said to us.

"Thank you, Daddy," Luna said to him.

The waiter came back with our drinks and handed us each the right drink.

"Can I get you guys something to eat? Or do you need a few more minutes to think?"

"I'm ready," Xeno says.

"Alright, go ahead."

"I'll try the cheeseburger with ketchup and mustard."

"Okay," he said, quickly writing down the order. "Fries?"

"Oh, yes. Please."

"Okay," he said, and looked at me. "Are you ready, sir?"

"Ummm... Yes. I'd like to have a grilled cheese. And fries, too," I told him.

"Alright," he looked at Luna. "And you, miss?"

"I'd like to have a grilled cheese, too, please."

"Would you like fries, too?"

"I would love fries. Thank you."

"No problem. I'll bring out your food when it's ready."

He left us alone again.

Luna looked around, her eyes looking at every little toy that was in the store, it was filled with them. Toys left and right. Everywhere you looked.

It was nice.

"It's very fun here," Luna said.


She smiled at me.

The waiter brought us our food and we started eating.

My grilled cheese was very good, and Luna enjoyed hers.

Xeno loved his cheeseburger.

We all agreed that we would go to a Muggle restaurant again someday.

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