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"Parametrics rushed her in, doctor called emergency 'she's lost a lot of blood, the place looks like  a mudder scene'. An  hour later the doc. walked over with a sour face abd said excuse me for the words that im about to say...."

Luke's P.O.V

We arrived at the hospital right as the paramedics did. I was about to run after them but the her neighbor, afam, grabbed my shoulder and tol me to sit down.

"She had lost a lot of blood" I heard the doctor scream. But he was too far down the hall for me to flick him on the ear and say 'no shit sherlock'

After an hour or so of me biting at my nails and getting my hopes fown, the doctor walked in. j stood up straight away and the doctor gave ne the biggest look of Pity.

Oh no.

I waited for the answer anyways but regretted it right after the words keft his chapped lips.

"Im sorry for the words I am about to say" he said. At that moment I knew she wasn't okay. She wasn't here, she couldn't have been saved.

"Im sorru for your loss" after the words left his chapped lips I couldn't act thiugh and strong for astrid, because Astrid wasn't here.
I broke down, landing on my knees, them touching the dorty hospital floor. I felt adams hand on my shoulder

"Im so sorry kid" his voice cracked. Astrid knew him very well, im surorised he isn't a crying mess like me.

"Its my fault, Adam. " I said and he shook his head pulling me up onto the chair.

"Its not, its no ones fa-" I cut hin off looking at him.

"It is. She sent me a text saying she loved me with her body heart and soul to death. I didn't know she actuwlly meant death" I cried out and he smiled weakly at me.

"At least those were the last words you guys shared. Me and my wife didn't get those" he sighed and I smiled at him sadly.

"Im sorry"i replyed and he shook his head pulling himself together.

"Its fine. Its about you right now, I had my time" he said and I smiled at him.

"Thank you Adam. She talked about you a lot.  She said you were like a friend to her" I said  and he smiled back nodding.

"She was a good girl"he said and I nodded in response.

"She was. And I wouldn't change a bit about her"

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