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"The next day at school, she feeling better than the day before, even cracks a couple smiles as she walks the corridor,  but all that seemed to end, she dropped her books when she walked into class and every student in the room just seemed to point and laugh. She couldn't take it anymore she sent her boy a text. She said I love you with my body, heart and soul to death"

Astrid's P.O.V

I walked into the school grounds, later than usual. I didn't feel any anxiety build up inside me. I felt at peace. I walked through the school doors and smiled walking towards my locker. I took out the books I needed and shoved them in my bag walking towards lukes locker.

People stared at me wierdly, like I grew another head. I just smiled which they kindly offered one back. I look at my old doc martins and scan my outfit.

Nothing special. An oversized jumper and a oairnof white jeans. The jumper sleeves went down to my finger tips making me happy, I don't know why but over sized clothing had that effect on me.

I arrived at his blue locker and stood behind him waiting for him to realize im there. He turned around holding his books in his hand almost walking into me but stopping.

" Good morning Astry" he said pecking my cheek and I smiled in repsonse.

"Good morning bubba" I replyed and he smiled walking hand in hand with me. I looked at the book in his hand and chuckled.

"Math?" I asked and he nodded groaning,  letting his head fall back. He brought his head back and looked at me.

"And you? " he asked. I scanned my brain for the proper answer forgetting completely. A light bulb suddenly hit me in the head.

"English" I replyed and he chuckled smiling at me. I loved english. It was one of those classes were more talking was made rather than studying. on the other hand I hated math. I didn't understand how numbers and letters go together and do something to equal something. Did I confuse you? Im sorry.

"You seem a lot brighter today." He smiled and I nodded smiling to myself. Since that little talk luke gave me, the sudden urge to run home and pick up the shiny sharp object, running it across my wrist.

"Yeah thanks to you" I said looking up and smiling.  I wasn't super short but beside Luke Hemmings himself anyone looks like a fetus. I was just about 5"4 and petite.

"You're welcome. Now go to class" he shooed me off as the bell rang signaling us to get our âss moving. I pecked him lips and said my goodbye before walking towards my class. Stirring through the crowded hallways, I clutched onto my back back taking out my english books and clutching them towards my chest.

I turned to my left about to walk into class when some one bumped into my shoudler causing all my books to fall out of my hands and onto the white floor.

I looked up to see boys and girl standing there laughing at me and poitning while the others gave me looks of pity but didn't dya anything. I felt my heart hit my gut and my hands began to shake. Their laughs echoed in head and my heart drummed in my ears.

I looked around and picked my books up completely ashamed and at the verge of tears.

"Oh look the nerd is crying" one of the snotty fake girl in our class laughed. I sat down and roughly put my books on my desk. I didn't even bother reaching for a pencil at this point. I just looked aimlessly at the wall ahead and tried to stop the tears from falling. I succeeded but the burning feeling of imbarassment over took my body.

As the bell rang, after it felt like hours, I ran out the class and outside freling the cold air hit me. I let my tears pour out like the Victoria falls.

I took out my phone with my shaking hand clicked the little message above lukes name.

'I love you with my body, heart and soul to death Luke. Remember that forever'

I typed running up the stairs of my house, not caring to close the door behind me.

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