All Time Low-Back In The Good Old Days Chapter 9

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  • Dedicated to Lara Du Preez

All Time Low-Back In The Good Old Days Chapter 9

A thumping sensation erupted in my head as my eyes painfully flicked open. My fingers twitched awkwardly as warmth spread through them and up my lightly bandaged arm. Tingling feelings advanced across my cheek as a feverish breath blew down my neck. My eyes darted to the person breathing warm air on me, Alex. His skin was heated and the blissful aroma of his deodorant smelt better than I probably did.

He was listening to my breathing, Alex pulled away so abruptly that a gasp escaped my cracked lips. He looked worried and relieved as a small smile crossed his face that clearly hadn’t been there for a while. His grin looked stiff and neglected, the opposite of the beaming expression that he once wore on his face when he was with Lisa. Everyone seemed stressed and on edge but Rosie was the first to rush to my side with Shae right behind her. She seized my hand and squeezed it.

“Hey Vailes! I missed you,” the feeling of love and trust between Rosie and me was evident when she threw her arms around my skinny shoulders in an even warmer embrace than when Alex was breathing down my neck. Her clothes felt cool against my clammy hands and her hair was soft as it brushed across my cheek.

“Don’t do that again Vaila, please! I was so worried,” Rosie’s light sobs were the only sound that could be heard, it was like everyone was holding their breathe and waiting for someone else to speak, but they were all too demanding of one another. Lisa’s eyes darted around the room in a nervous frenzy as she shuffled her feet awkwardly.

“What happened to her? Have you verbally assaulted her yet?” my words sounded sour as I jerked my head towards Lisa. She stood directly in front of me and refused to make eye contact, she was avoiding my gaze. I was the first to speak as I gently whispered in Rosie’s ear. Turning her head to the side, she let her hair fall over her eye, hiding her amused expression. She nodded as she tried to muffle the sound of her laughter with her hand over her mouth, but it only made her giggles louder. Rosie’s light blue eyes found Zack’s as he let out a suppressed snort. They both were trying to hide their happiness, their eyes wondered from person to person, making everyone abruptly burst into laughter. It was contagious but Lisa still refused to join in with the joke.

“C’mon Lisa, loosen up a bit. She’s alive!” Rosie threw her arm back to point at me lying in the small hospital bed, beaming like it was Christmas. Her excited voice was a relief to hear but something still nagged at me, I needed to tell her about what had happened.

“I don’t need to relax, I’m fine,” the laughter died down as Lisa’s bitter voice was sharp and angry. Her face was spotless; there wasn’t a cut on her, except a small bruise on her cheekbone, which was only a light shade of purple. It wouldn’t be noticeable with a bit of make-up; her mascara tears had washed away part of her make-up so her bruise was brighter against her crimson cheeks. Her tears were the only evidence left that she was human anymore; she wasn’t the bubbly girl who threw her arms around me when we first met. The crash had taken a part of her, along with other things, that might never be found again.

Keep talking Lisa, it means I won’t have to ask about the crash.          

“Well then try to look happy. You’re dragging everyone down again; first you’re panicky, now you’re snappy. God, get a grip!” Rosie’s eyes were wide with ferocity as she squared up to Lisa. I grabbed her forearm before she could do so much as lift a finger towards Lisa.

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