All Time Low-Teenage Runaway Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Rosie Hart

It wouldn’t go away. Even with a mind of it’s own it would still be used by someone to capture the rock bottom I’ve hit. Why? When did I give it the right to do that? Maybe when I stepped out of that building. It had no meaning but to create evidence for something that everyone could already see. I’ve lost it. I’ve hit an all time low but the constant flashing still wouldn’t go away. I hit this wall years ago but hid it well. It was inevitable that this was going to happen even my parents saw this coming and my dad was drinking himself into a stupor almost everyday. You had to give it to him he was good at what he did and alcohol was his escape but I guess it got too much. With flashing lights coming to life everywhere I don’t blame myself for thinking about nothing but an ice-cold beer. The camera kept going off. It was in my face all the time. They found me, smoking behind the CD store, did this have to happen, every time. Every reporter from the New York Times is here trying to get that shot of me from my worst angle. I was a hometown nobody but an American everybody. My life revolved around a summer tour and daily shifts at the CD store 365 days a year. I was in a band if you haven’t gathered already but my own hometown crowd doesn’t even know who I am. I stood there with his number and my lighter, should I light it and lose my only valuable contact? My best friends wanted me to meet their new boyfriends. Apparently everything was going well due to the fact that they were best friends. It’s nice to know that when my love life is non-existent at least it is for some.

I shoved my way through the crowd of persistent journalists. This wasn’t going to be too hard. I have experience. My white 1985 Trans Am was waiting for me. The black and red design gleamed in the sunlight of Baltimore. This was my pride and joy with the exception of my guitars; I only had my car and guitars to live for. I’ve sunk seriously low to think I only wake up in the morning for a 26 years old scrap of junk metal and a 6 stringed instrument. This was painful to think. I need a life but I can’t be bothered getting one.  

I hate them. Both of them are stuck up English idiots with nothing on their minds but the trust fund their dads kept constantly available with “nothing but £25,000 at a time. If the money goes beneath that amount it is topped up with at least £50,000.” Whatever happened to the good old dollar and my dear friend George? The pound isn’t going to do much in Baltimore, Maryland.  

“So what do you do for a living, Miss Vaila Lee Hart?” Edward asked. That stuck up ass hole. If Shae wasn’t sitting next to him I swear to God his pretty boy face would taste my fist.

“Oh, Vails is the guitarist and vocalist for her band,” Shae pitched in as Ray grabbed the top of my arm. Why did they have to know that I would knock him flat if she wasn’t restraining me? Well let’s just say Edward, William and I didn’t seem to have set very good first impressions. Good luck to them trying to get with my friends, who don’t seem to be able to tell the difference between an asshole and an idiot, their not going to get very far with my best friends.

My friends even seemed to speak posh compared to the Baltimore twang after taste of their original Maryland accent. I didn’t want them to change or grow up. We’re kids. Famous kids for all it’s worth. I got followed almost everywhere and I’m pretty sure that every journalist from the Rolling Stones interviewed me. My friends were famous because of me and if my next album fell through then, I have no hope of having Shae and Ray by my side. I’ll lose them to Edward and William. I can’t let that happen, not on my life. I have to find something to kick-start the next album.

I needed to think but the two money driven morons in front of me were stopping any thoughts forming and my head was left to be as empty as it always has been. This was going to need time. Why did something always need something else to function? A partner. We all need something to make our lives interesting and I had everything that could make a normal persons life eventful but mine has been too action-packed for too long. I’ve forgotten how to live my life like there was no yesterday, the way I used to. This can’t be what my life has come to! Not my life. It’s not right to be alone for the rest of your life with music and my medicine. The thing that made it all worth living but yet I still try to kill myself everyday, every night, every spare minute I have. My life wasn’t right.

“What band are you in?” William asked who seemed to have an attitude problem. Great not only is he a rich snob but he’s got attitude. This is going to be fun.

I got up and left. Even though I knew it wasn’t the nicest thing to do to Shae and Ray’s new boyfriends but if I stayed in this house with those two and no alcohol then I might as well plan a funeral. It’s the most boring thing I’ve ever had to sit through. Them talking about themselves and ask me questions that made me feel more like a monster than a human. I ran to the first bar I could find, Jonny’s bar. This place sure as hell hasn’t changed. I had my first drink here. I’m 16, I had my first drink when I was six, my first cigarette when I was nine and took my first illegal drug when I was five. Yes, I smoke. Yes, I’m an alcoholic. Yes, I’m an addict. Yes, I’m suicidal. But that’s not going to change.

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