Before the Endgame

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Clove’s intention with her plan isn’t about giving Cato a chance but making the situation more perplexing for him. She wanted to make things easier without Cato interfering to her plan. He’s always been there for her throughout the game, making sure that she’s safe and that’s not what she wanted. People will think that she’s always the damsel in distress and it’s not a good impression for the next Victor, she thought to herself. This is her last chance and she’ll make sure that the spotlight is on her. But she’s aware that Cato won’t keep his promise, she’ll never be an enemy to him. He’ll make sure that she wins. And that's the whole point, she's messing with his mind once again for her vantage. Her plan may be rubbish but it’s her last shot.

Nightfall came so fast. How they silently wished the time would slow down or the sun won’t rise. They can finally feel the game is coming to an end and the lone survivor will become the new Victor. The time is ticking, no one is certain about the remaining time left before they meet their tragic or glorious end.

Clove was tidying her knives while Cato was sharpening his sword. “Marvel owned 5 spears and there’s still 2 left. I was thinking that maybe you can use it.” said Clove as she points into the direction of Marvel’s untouched spears.

“Thanks, it’ll come in handy.” Cato smiled faintly. He can’t even look at her in the eyes. “Why can’t you just kill me?” he asked, his voice is now filled with sadness. Clove tried to say something back but no words came out from her.

“ I couldn’t careless about the game, if I’ll win then it’s fine and if not then it’s still fine. I don’t mind dying for you. I’ll do anything for you, right? But what bothers me the most is knowing that I’ll never be with you. And it’s solely my fault. Maybe if I was just courageous enough to tell you how I feel, but I guess I was late .. too late.”


“Don’t worry. I’ll keep my promise and follow the plan.” his voice crack. But before a single tear could fall, two gentle arms embraced him.

“I’m sorry for making you feel this way. I really do.” she tighten her embrace as he did the same to her. She thought she’s finally done with all the lies but she’s mistaken. She’ll have to lie til the end.

“I wish we could just run away from all of this. From everyone.” said Cato.

“How I wish too.”


“But if given a chance, will you run away with me?”

“I would love to.”


“I love you Clove.”

“I love you too, Cato.”

She despises that lie

The two of them are still on each others arms. Cato is savoring the moment knowing that it will eventually become a bittersweet memory for him. He doesn’t want to let go but Clove on the contrary is wishing that something will happen just to break them apart. When all of a sudden, a mini parachute appeared and floats above them. It sparked their curiosity, Cato stood up and took what’s on it. There’s a metal container.

“They’re giving us our last meal here.” said Cato as he opened the container. “Want some?” he took something out and offer to Clove.

“I’m not really hungry.” something caught Clove’s attention. “What are those?”

Two envelopes were attached underneath the container. One for Clove and one for Cato. Clove opened hers right away.



* The people loves you. They are rooting for you and Cato. Our plan worked. Some are even pleading for the Capitol to allow two Victors, we are hoping that it will work somehow. Both of you are doing great. Can’t wait to see you or both of you back.

~ Enobaria

Clove was delighted after reading Enobaria’s message to her.

* We are glad and proud that you made it that far. You’re indeed one of the best, you never failed us. But your father is the one who’s exultant while watching you. A daughter who’s following the footsteps of her father. Your brother wants to be like you too, he says he can’t wait to see his Victor sister back. We love you so dearly.

~ Mom

She didn't noticed the tears rolling from her eyes. She didn't think about her family for a while but now it finally sinks in that she misses them so much. She read few more messages for her. Until her attention was diverted to Cato who's also reading his letter, she can't help but notice that there's no reaction from him. Not a smile or even a frown. There was nothing.

"What's wrong?" she managed to ask him.

"Nothing serious. Just my mom's blabbering. I'm already tired, can we sleep now?"

"Sure, as I am too." she yawns.

"I want you here by my side until I wake up tomorrow."

She simply nodded as he moved right beside her. She instantly fell asleep in his arms.

"I love you." he whispered and kisses her forehead.

They both fell asleep soundly in each others arms. Not knowing that it might be their last night together .. ever.

A/n I would like to thank everyone who's still reading this story and to those who are patiently waiting for an update. 💕

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