Chapter 10 - We're Leaving Tonight

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Clementine had just woken up. Carlos was checking on Kenny, Sarita was crying.

Mike and Luke were talking to Bonnie, they walk towards the others.

Clementine walked towards them. She sat down by Nick.

“What she'd say?”

“She said she can get us out of the pen if we can get the PA system going. Second she hears it, she’ll run over and spring us.”

“That's great.”

“It's not great.”

Last time I was on Luke’s side but, we can't stay. We have to get out of here.

“What are you talking about?”

“Look I know part of this is my fault, I...I know.”

“We can't stay here!” Clementine said

“Luke, she’s right, we can't stay.” Nick said

“Exactly, we have no idea how long Alvin’s got before Bill just kills him. We have to leave now.”

“Look, I hear what you're saying, but it's risky.”

“Risky? Did you see what that sonuvabitch just did? Look, the plan works, nothing needs to change, it's all set up. The hard part is done, this guy's fucking crazy, who knows what he’ll do next.”

“Luke, Mike’s right.” Nick said

“Yeah but, now we're dealin’ with a guy beat to shit, Sarita in no shape to do anything, and I’m a goddamn mess. Look, we should rest up, okay? We should bide our time, we should wait for an opening.”

“Bonnie's agreeing to help us tonight.”

“And that doesn't mean she can't do it some other night.”

“Luke, we can't wait.” Nick said

“We’re NOT waiting.”

“Ain’t nothin’ out there, guys. Trust me, I looked! There's no food. There's no supplies. They picked everything clean. I’m just sayin’ we gotta be sensible about this.”

“This is being sensible.”

“Where's Kenny?”

“Doc's over there workin’ on him. It don't look good.”

Carlos walks over to the others. Sarita is still crying but, she looks up.

Clementine looks over at Kenny.

“His orbital is crushed...I don't think there's is much hope for the eye...I got him as stable as I could, cleaned it, got some of the swelling down, bandaged it as best I could...but until he wakes up...we won't know if there's any damage to the brain.”

Sarita cries more and puts her head in her hands.

“Fuck...maybe we have to leave some people behind.”


“There is no other way.”

“This is bullshit.”

“Well, I don't like it either but, guess what? It's where we're at.”

“Kenny and I are only here because of you people...and now you intend to leave us behind.”

“So, we should risk all of our lives?”

“What are you saying?”

“Nothing...I’m...I’m just thinking out loud here.”

“We are NOT leaving him.”

“No! We are not leaving Kenny! That's not fair. We stay together.”

“Life ain't fair…”

“Clem’s right, we stay together.” Nick said

Clementine smiled at Nick.

“We don't want to leave Kenny.”

“Good, won't have to.”

Sarita hugged Kenny “I'm alright, hon.” Kenny said

“We leave tonight...plan don't change.”

Nick smiled “not bad, old man.”

“Thanks, asshole.”

“You are one tough bastard.”

“Do tough bastards get their ass kicked in front of everybody?”

Clementine walks towards Kenny, with a sad look on her face.

“You alright? That wasn't your fault, okay? So, don't go blamin’ yourself.”

She hugged him “it's alright.” Kenny said

“Alright...well then, what now?”

“We get the hell out of here.”

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