Delancey McAllen

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The moment I saw Annabeth Chase, I knew I was dead. She had honey/golden blonde hair with princess curls, making her look dumb from behind( AN/ no offense to anyone..its this character) but when she turned around and revealed her eyes, all of my assumptions on her smarts flew out the window. Her eyes were grey like a stormy cloud and more calculating than a calculator. They were dark and dangerous- and they were carving trenches whenever her gaze met my eyes. It felt like her eyes would make me into freshly carved deli meat, ready to be shipped to a store.

Ughh...bad image, bad image.

As far as I knew, I haven't done anything wrong...yet. All I did was flirt with a guy and the next thing I know, those grey orbs were fixed on me.

My first thought was " I'm screwed"

My second was " How did I make her mad?"

The guy I was flirting with joined her. His sea-green eyes that dazzled me grew even more sparkly. 

He walked over to the blonde girl and draped an arm around her shoulder. His voice was soft and melodic and mixed with a hint of laughter, as he said, " Sorry, because this girl is the only girl I need in my life."

The blonde girl punched his arm, " Seaweed brain, what the hades are you doing?"

He rubbed his arm and faked being hurt ," Owwww...Why'd you punch me Owl head?"

She snorted, rolling her eyes, she said, " Because you're a kelp head, Percy."

Percy, huh... More like Mr. Dreamy.

"Oh...shut up...Annabeth."

I processed everything through my brain. that scary girl is Annabeth.

Annabeth laughed and looked at me saying," Sorry, it's just that when girls flirt with Percy, my boyfriend, and try to take him away from me, it gets really funny to watch because Percy would never leave me so its pointless."

I nodded mutely with my chestnut locks swaying slightly. "Of course...sorry," I muttered. Then after gathering up my courage I said," You're a lucky girl Annabeth, to have a guy like him."

For a moment she didn't say anything and it felt like her eyes were shooting lasers into my soul.

Then she smiled which made her eyes brighter.


"Delancey," I offered, "Delancey Allen."

She nodded," Annabeth Chase..And you've met my boyfriend, Percy Jackson."

I slowly nodded uncomfortably.

She laughed, "Don't worry, I'm not mad. Most girls who try to flirt with him are all stuck up brats who try to break us apart, but you're different. You seem cool. Maybe we should hang out sometime."

I guess Annabeth wasn't as scary then when she stared at you expressionless. She was actually nice.

I nodded and returned the smile," Sure, why not."

Percy smiled at me. And thankfully I didn't melt. Afterall, his just one fish in the sea. And there are plenty of other guys out there.

AN/ Thank you everyone for reading my book and sorry for not updating sooner..I was super busy with school and stuff....Plz like a vote and recommend this story to others. And please follow me on social media.


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