Chapter 1

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Ch 1

Chicago is a great place for change as for danger. Vincent fixed his golden tie and straightened his suit as he waited for his driver to drive his favorite Cadillac. Vincent stepped into his car and watched the beautiful night street of Chicago, his driver Dank loook at him and said: “Prince where will we be going?” Vincent didn't hesitate as he said: “Go to Havens Club.” Dank nodded started driving. At the cabaret at Havens Club, two guys was guarding the door as Vincent gave them some cash and they opened the door for him. Vincent smiled as he saw the singer on stage, she was a beauty.

Kenneth loosened his tie as he look at his father, he was chatting with the Chevrolet's biggest boss Nolan. Suddenly a lady with the shingle haircut came close to Nolan, Nolan hold her waist said: “Brian! She is my wife Margaret.” Brian kissed her hand and said: :My greetings miss margaret.” Margaret nodded and said: “Nice to meet you Mr. Kingston.” Brian pat Kenneth on the shoulder and said: “Nolan! Miss Margaret meet my son! Kenneth!” Nolan raise his glass and said: “Cheers Kenneth!” Kenneth raise his glass and dranked it as his eyes was on Margaret the whole evening.

In a black model T car, two people was passionately kissing. The girl reach for his neck as the man grabbed for her dress now to her legs. As the man grip on her legs the girl took his neck and twisted it, as the girl turn on the radio it was playing Louis Armstrong's Come On Coot Do That Thing. The girl fixed her glimmering golden dress and hopped off the car, this girl is Katherine Whitestone. The richest merchant's daughter. She quickly walked into the cabaret Heavens Club as she spotted the singer, she called out: “Irene! Save me a song!” Irene smiled and yelled: “Miss Whitestone! Did you find yourself a decent lad yet?” Katherine smiled and replied: “I sure will!” As the waiter was serving the other customers she quickly grabbed a glass of champagne and continue walking. A girl stopped her and whispered: “Sister...was the date delicious?” Katherine smiled and said: “Charlotte have fun finding your date.” Charlotte smiled and said: “Indeed sister I will.”

As Charlotte walked through the crowd, she saw a young man drinking alone. Charlotte made her way to him as another young lady sat down. Charlotte whispered to her: “Miss, he is my future fiance if you want go grab another available person but he is taken..” The lady was terrified and she stood up letting Charlotte sit down. Charlotte looked at the young man and said: “Mister care for me if I sit down.” The young man shake his head and said: “please its my pleasure have a seat.” Charlotte sat close to him and said: “Mister what will it be to my place or your place?” The young man smiled and said: “My place indeed.”

Irene sang a few songs on stage as the four teens continued charming their way through what they desire. The night was going wonderful as a few gunshots was heard. As the night moon is coming up, everyone is out for hunger. Heavens Club just became Hell. 

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