Chapter 8

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Ch 8

   All the attention went to Corinna and Kenneth, Kenneth felt her lips uncontrollable attached to Corinna he didn't pulled back but instead he held her face closer to him and kissed it passionately. Corinna smirked when she felt that he was kissing back, suddenly Kenneth felt a hand on his shoulder. The person yanked Kenneth away from Corinna as the person punched him in the face. Kenneth held his bleeding nose as he looked at the person who punched him, he was the mayor's son Edward Raslo. Kenneth yelled: "Mr. Raslo! What was that matter!"  Edward's face was filled with anger as he yelled at Kenneth said: "Kenneth Ross! How dare you kiss my wife!"  Kenneth's color on his face drained as he looked at him, Corinna is his wife???

          The sky was slowly growing dark as the servants in Whitestone mansion all prepared their evening meal and went off to sleep. Charlotte slowly made her way to her father's chamber as Faith helped her detach a layer of her corset, Charlotte arrived to the front door of her father's chamber as she said to Faith: "Go back to your room."  Faith nodded as she said: "Miss, I wish you the best and I will look after Miss Katherine."  Charlotte shake her head said: "Go back to sleep Katherine is too dangerous to go to now."  Faith nodded and said: "Good night miss."  Charlotte nodded as Faith left in the other door. Charlotte opened the door as Anthony smiled and said: "Charlotte please sit down."  Charlotte obeyed as she sat down and said: "Father what do you need me for?"  Anthony's face went from smiling to serious said: "I need to tell you about your mother."  Charlotte immediately shot up from her chair said: "Yes? What do you know."  Anthony always kept a secret about their mother and she died too early both of them thought she was murdered.  Anthony sighed as he recalled all the memories, Anthony slowly said: "Your mother...she was a vampire."  Charlotte was shocked as she knew that now everything makes sense.

           Bernard was furious how can his own wife accuse him of having a affair with the flower lady, he loved her and her what did she say about him? Bernard wrote his speech as he prepared for everything, he straightened his suit and cleared his voice it was an hour before his speech for the mayor. He saw a shadow as he poured some water for himself, he walked out and saw the familiar corset of his wife. He walked closer to her as he said: "Maggie?"  She didn't answered as Bernard continue to follow her, when he arrived to the dark alley smoke appeared as he coughed. Suddenly someone came behind him as Bernard looked in fear said: "Who are you?"  Linda smiled her best signature smile as she said: "Bernard sweetness you don't remember me?"  Bernard looked at her face closely no no this was the girl he treat cruely at because of her family's background. 

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