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AFTER GETTING HER SHIT TOGETHER, Ginny found herself forgetting the weekend and enjoying her time with Jug at Pop's. The two were served by Hermione, who Ginny thanked for covering her weekend shift. Hermione was like a mother figure Ginny wished she had- but didn't.

Virginia Hopkins loved Pop's diner for two things: his milkshakes as a nighttime snack and his waffles for breakfast. Jughead knew this fact to be true and that's why he walked with Virginia to Pop's for a remedy to her sadness.

"Mhm," Ginny moaned in pleasure as she ate her last bite of waffle. "That was so good."

Jughead cracked a grin, glad his plan worked but this faltered as his eyes dropped to the whip cream left on her chin. The boy with brown hair slowly turned pink as he cleared his throat, pointing to her face.

"Um, you have a little..."

Virginia's face turned bright red in embarrassment, her tongue attempting to peak out and swipe up the leftover cream.

Jughead sighed, leaning forward. He used his napkin, reaching across the booth to clean her face.

Both were completely embarrassed at the tender moment— especially how Jughead's fond gaze lingered on her cute face.

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THE ICONIC DUO FINALLY TRUDGED TO SCHOOL, frustrated how attendence was a requirement for graduating. . . even when they were sophomores. The day went by slowly and the duo managed to get to lunch in one piece, where they met up with Betty.

"Betty, I'm sorry. That's hardcore." Jughead told his friend after she told him and Ginny what had happened the night before.

"I asked my dad if I could call Polly. He said she was doing better. But then, when she heard about Jason's death, she had a big setback. He doesn't want to risk another one.

"Why does a rich kid sell drugs?" Jughead asked, fingers interlaced with one another. He furrowed his eyebrows in concentration, trying to figure out why.

"He was running away from his parents."

"Yeah. Probably." Jughead said, standing up. Jughead was known to pace when nervous or when he was thinking hard.

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