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In the middle of the night there was Jane sat on his couch in the FBI Office, thinking about his wife and daughter. He really hate this feeling, he couldn't inagine i lf he has to lose his loved ones again. Yes, again. He almost forget the feeling about that night, when he found Angela and Charlotte's body. It's all because of Lisbon and P. His precious wife and daughter, his everything, his life, and his world. If someone took them away from him, he don't know how to react. Maybe he couldn't kill kim like he did to Red John because before that happen, he would kill himself first.

"Jane" Cho's voice distracted him

"Where is Wylie? I need some helps."

"Are you gonna tell me what this is about? You just sitting on your couch after you told us that the one who took Lisbon and P is not Volker. You want to find your wife? Talk to me!"

"I need Wylie!" He yelled at Cho, he couldn't control himself.

"Don't you know what time is it? You're to stressed, Jane. I don't even trust you when you said he's not Volker. You just messing with us, you have another plan and you decided to keep it from us. You can't think straight right now. I want you to go home. Let me handle this or..."

"Or what?" Jane cutted him off

"You're off the case."

"Are you kidding me? What's wrong with you?"

"It's you. What's wrong with you? Go home, Jane. Come back tomorrow morning or at least get some sleep here."

"No... no... you don't trust me. You want me to go away? You'll get what you want!" Jane yelled at him again

"Jane, i didn't mean to..."

"That's enough. Good night, Cho."


Cho keep called his name while he go to the elevator, press the button, and walk away.

3 hours later...

Jane sit on his car, calling for someone. Someone he can trust.

"Jane...? It's 3 a.m. in the morning. Is Boss okay? I heard about her and P... if there's anything i can help..."

"Yes, unfortunately i need your help. Is Rigsby with you?"

"Mmm yes, he's sleeping next to me right now."

"I want you to move right now. It's very important. Don't tell anybody including him." Jane talked to the red hair

"Ok... but... um... what should i do exactly?"

"Can you make a youtube video get at least fake fifty million viewers in two hour? Can you make someone in particular watch that video? Can you do that?"

"I... yes.. i think i can do that." Van Pelt answered him

"Great. I'll upload it in three hour. I'll give you the full access to my account. I'll give his name to you soon. You have to make him look at that video with fifty million viewers on there. It's really important. I couldn't think about anyone but you. I'm sorry if i woke you up.. but i need you to do this." Jane begged to her

"No problem, i'll do anything i can to bring them back. But Jane, where is Cho? Did you talk to him about this? I mean..."

"Grace, just trust me. This is not about me, i have to do this for them. Just trust me, please."

He closed his eyes while he talks on the phone. Everytime he did that, he could hear Lisbon and P's little laugh, tell him how much they love him.

"Ok... I'll do it."

Unknown Place

"Son of a bitch!"

Haffner yelled at his computer, he just heard from his friend that Jane make a video for him. Haffner came to the room that he hold Lisbon. Lisbon could hear his step.

"Good moring, beautiful."

Lisbon didn't answer him. She just frowned at him.

"I want you to hear this. I know it will be hard for you. I just want you to know that bastard don't deserved you and i promise i will make him pay for what he did to you. Trust me, Teresa." His voice full of anger, Lisbon could tell.

"What are you talking about?"

"Watch this."

Haffner showed him a five minute video, there is Jane talking about her.

"............Volker, i want you to give this video to her. Are you done? Ok. Listen to me, T. It will be hard for you to hear this but i have to. I want to apologize for what i did. I... i don't know since he took you, i can't stop thinking about it and i can't hold it anymore. I just feel that i have to tell you. Last month, when i.. when i told you that i have something to do with the case... i lied to you. It is a long story. Last year, when.. when we were on vacation to Mexico i met my ex-girlfriend. Yes, i never told you about this because... i just... i just i don't know i think it wouldn't be necessary. I met her when you sleep on the night, without waking you up, i went to her place. And... it just happen. She told me that she still love me and i think some parts of my heart still love her too. Since that night, we keep talk to each other, you know, as a couple. She's okay with that and i think, why not? Sometimes, he came to Austin and you know.. we did it again. I know i'm a jerk that's why i want to fix this. I mean, i love you and P so much, you have to know that. It will not happen again. I'm sorry i have to upload it on youtube, because i can't hold it anymore. You know.. guilty feeling around my head not just because i let him took you and P. I can't handle that feeling anymore. I hope Volker found out this video. I'm....."

"Turn it off!" Lisbon yelled at Haffner. The tears coming down to her face. Those emerald eyes doesn't look good at all.

"Ssssh. Teresa, that son of a bitch don't deserved you at all. Don't cry for him. And what the hell he was thinking? Talking in front of everyone? Shame on him! I will kill him, i promise. I will kill him in front of you. He's hurting you so bad and i will make him pay."


She couldn't hear Haffner's voice, she had been distract since she heard about Jane's confession. She still remember about that night when Jane told her he had to leave, when he said it has something to do with the case. How could he do that to her? She couldn't believe it. It's her husband, the sweetest human on the planet. The tears keep streaming down to her face, she's trying to figure what did she do to him. Is he really capable to cheat on her?

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