Someone from The Past

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Lisbon woke up in the same condition. She couldn't feel her body. When she opened her eyes, she could see the mask man starring at her, sit on the bed, next to her body.

"You again... you didn't answer my question. Who are you?"

"Lovely, as always. Do you miss your daughter?" He stroked Lisbon's hair while he asked that question

"Do you have a children?" Lisbon asked him

"No, i always dream for that. I mean, you know, to have a little family with you." He chuckled

"Seriously, who are you? Why are you doing this? What do you want? I mean.. did Volker ask you to do this? For what? I don't get it."

"Teresa, stop talking about him. He's dead. I killed him for you." The mask man stood up making a way to the doorway

"Wait!! You what?!"

"Never mind. Anyway, i love your daughter. She has the same eyes with you."

"I will kill you if you touch her! I promise!" She yelled at him

"Teresa, like i said, she's okay. I'll never hurt her. And really? You wanna kill me? With that handcuff? How?" He chuckled to her again

"Let's make a deal, i'll do anything you want, but you have to release her. Give her to her father. Then, you win."

"Anything? Kiss me then."

"With that mask?" Lisbon laughed at him

Lisbon could see his shoulder. He released the mask, turn his body around. Lisbon gasped, she didn't believe it. She could feel the handcuffs on his hands, indicating this is not her dream. She kept watching at him with surprise expression. She didn't say a word because she thinks she's gonna right now.

"I'm supposed to be dead, right?" The unmask man break the silence

"Rr...rr..ay?" Lisbon asked him briefly

"Good to see you, Teresa."

"Good to see you too........ i guess. I mean i hope we can meet in different circumstances. Ray, what are you doing? Why? Where is my daughter?"

"Well, that's a lot question. But really? You don't understand?"

"Understand about what..?"

Lisbon asked him. She still suprised about this. The mask man who took her and P is.. Ray freaking Haffner. He's supposed to be dead, the forensic found his body that night. And what the hell is he doing? Did Volker ask him to do this? If he's not dead in that night, why he's pretending to be dead? Why he suddenly decided to show up just to took her and her daughter? Lisbon still trying to rearrange the puzzle but she can't get the answer.

"You remember that moment when you bought a cup of black coffee in CBI rooftop? It's 08.00 in the morning, the sun lights your burnatte hair, then you turn around and i saw your emerald eyes. Since that morning, I can't stop thinking about you. I found out more about you. You're a junior agent from SFPD, you're from Chicago, you have to drink a glass of coffee every morning before you start to work, should i go on?"

Lisbon didn't believe the thing that she heard right now. She didn't even remember the morning that Haffner mention before. Buy a cup of black coffee? Of course, she almost did it everyday.


"Ray.. or should i call you Haffner? I don't know what are you doing to me right now and frankly I don't care. I just want you to release my daughter. You can keep me as long as you want, but you have to let her go. She didn't do anything to you. Give her to Jane, i'll do anything you want. You can torture me, you can kill me, but please let her go. You know me, you have my words." She holds the tears when she talked to Haffner

"I would never hurt you! Can't you see that? I would never hurt you, Teresa!" He yelled at her

"Well if you doesn't want me to get hurt, please let my daughter go."

"I almost made a move that day. After all those years, i finally had a courage. That day in the State House Cafe near CBI headquarters, when i asked you out for lunch. I offered you a very good job, a new life, to make you get away from CBI stuff, from Jane stuff. I mean.. I couldn't take it anymore, you've stuck your neck for that stupid guy. But you know what i got, you refused me. When i asked you about "is it the work or is it Jane?" you just said he's part of the work. You didn't answer my question and after that i know there's something going on between you and him. I've been thinking about you the whole time. Then i heard that sons of a bitch put my name on Red John's suspect list and you believe in him. That's hurt me, Teresa."

Lisbon didn't say a word. She lower her gaze, trying to remember the day that Haffner mention before. She close her eyes, thinking about what she's gonna do.

"Ray, if you really care that much about me, i just want you to let my daughter go. She has nothing to do with this. And.. i'm sorry i have no idea if i've hurting you that much about Red John's suspect list, you know how Jane is. I just following his hunch."

"Your daughter is gonna be okay. I promise."

Haffner walked away from the room. He holds the tears when he making a step. He could hear Lisbon yelling at him, calling his name.

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