Jane's Theory

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Jane drove his car aimlessly. He remembered the day when he takes them to Maldives for a week. He remembered when he makes a castle with P on the beach while Lisbon taking a picture of them. He remembered when he and P haunt for snails. He remembered when P whispers to him about how happy she is. He remembered when he and Lisbon going to the porch in the middle of the sea and kissing under the beautiful stars. He remembered when she says,

"Jane, you know.. i'm so happy. I'm not talking about our vacation. I mean, of course this is amazing. But, you know what? I'm so happy because you are here right now. Got a chance to know you, to be your wife, to be P's mother. I have no words to describe how happy i am. Thank you Jane, you bring so much happiness to my life."

And he remembered when he says

"Good speech. I'm impressed. I love you too, T."

Lisbon laughed at him and shakes her head. He answered her with some jokes because he didn't know how to react. The last sentence about bring so much happiness just moved his heart.

He can handle this anymore. He stopped at the edge of the street, the lights in Austin noticeably dimmed. His hands still on the steering wheel. Those empty eyes pull the tears out. He can't breath, the tears keep coming to his face. Suddenly, his phone was ringing. It's Cho. He must be worried about him. Honestly, he didn't have any plan yet. He ran away because he wants to make a plan but he didn't have any clue. The phone kept ringing, he decide to answer it.

"Cho" Jane answered it briefly

"Come to the office" Cho ordered to him

"I don't think i have time to do a chit-chat, just tell me what's going on."

"I don't know if it has any connection to our case. But i think i have to tell you."

"I'm listening."

"NYPD found Bret Stiles body in State Island. 100% him. He's been murder, forensic said the time of the death it's around a week ago."

Jane didn't say a word, he lower his gaze.

"Jane? You there? That's just an FYI. I want you to go to the Fed right now, we find something." Cho asked him

"Yeah, what is that?"

"Come to the office, i'll explain you later."

"Ok, i'm on my way."

Jane hang on the phone. He thoughts he's gonna explode right now. Bret Stiles? One of Red John suspect stull alive after that night? What the hell is going on? Obviously, he's not Red John. But why? How? How could he fake his own death? Why he lied to him when he said he's dying? He keep his thoughts on his head while he drive to the FBI.

FBI Headquarters, Austin, Texas

"What did you find, guys?" Jane interrupted the conversation between Cho, Duval, and Laura in Cho's office.

"Come in" Duval invited Jane in

"You guys found Volker's body?" Jane asked to the team. They didn't understand about what he said.

"What?" Duval questioned him

"Volker is dead" Jane said to them

"What did you say? How do you know? You killed him?" Laura accused him

"God! No! The man who took Lisbon and P... wait a minute"

Jane closed the door, looked around to make sure there's only them.

"He is not Volker" Jane continued his words

"How do you know? And why you keep this?" Duval frowned his face

"Because this is an adventage for us. He don't know about this. He thinks he is smart enough, so i'll let him. And we can't let anyone know about this either."

"Why?" Laura asked Jane

"To make he thinks he is safe. To boost his confidence. Then, we attack him when he thought we don't know anything about him. Call it some weaknesses."

"Ok then, who is he? And what's your plan? You're just guessing, i know that." Cho put his gaze on him

"It's about 75% sure. You'll see. You'll see."

The rest of them looked at him, they said in their own hearts, "what kind of mess that they're up to?"

"And Jane, we found this in the gas station. It belongs to her, right? She must go to the gas station and the kidnapper took her on there."

Duval showed him a bracelet, a bracelet that he give to her when they go to Mexico last year. When Jane brought her and P back to his life when he ran away from the Fed. When he introduced them to some people in there. Lisbon and P were so happy, so did him.

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