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"Darcy, maybe we should go back?" Olivia's voice calls out from behind me as I look through the bushes.

I ignore her.

It's starting to get a bit chilly, I notice. Because out of the corner of my eye, I see Olivia with her arms around herself, shivering.

Half of me that loves Olivia, wants to give up and warm my love up or tell her to get in the car. But the other half is just pressing me to keep looking. Just keep looking, you'll find them it says.

And I know if I turn around and tell her to get in the car and warm up, she'll just refuse to leave my dude. So.

They couldn't of gone far.

These clever sons of bitches would hide them in the last place I would look...

Close by and easily missed...

Well I guess the house, but Mark built the house.. Surely no one from the outside would know about a secret room and certainly wouldn't be able to gain access.

Except for Mark and his family.

But they took us in, they wouldn't have done this. Besides, when I ran upstairs, everyone was in there room. So that's impossible.

It's really dark outside and the only light is coming from the street lights.

"C'mon." I sigh, taking Olivia's hand and leading her to the car.

I have to go and scope out the house a bit more. They couldn't have gone far, and I can't find them anywhere! We've been searching for almost 2 hours.

When we get back home, I tell Olivia that I'll be back so I can check around the house but she refuses to leave me. So I give in to her and tell her that I'll go to bed with her.

It's 3am and we are both exhausted, but I'm not going to just sleep on this. So after about 10 minutes, I start to hear Olivia's soft snores and get up, going to the room next door.

The window doesn't even seem like a human could fit through unless your real tiny. Maybe Mason could fit through, but Maddy would definitely not have escaped in under a minute. Whether they were kidnapped or not, something seems real sketchy.

I'm so confused, god dammit!

If Maddy did not go through that window, that means she's still in here, in this room or downstairs somewhere. Is she hiding?

Why would she be hiding? She's smart, she would've come out by now.

But what about the call??

She knows I won't call the cops. Unless I have a good reason to.

When I go over to her bed, I notice a piece of paper that wasn't there before. I pick it up.

It'll be the last place you think of..

And that's it, nothing else.

It is definitely not Maddy's hand writing and this doesn't cross Mark and them off the list of suspects.

The last place I'd look? Where's that?

Well, now I'm stumped. Last place? Where would I look last?

Where would I have to go that I've been avoiding.

Of, course.

My childhood home.

But that's thousands of miles away! But it is the last place I'd look.

Maybe if I hurry, I can catch them at the airport.

I run back into my bedroom, slipping on my shoes, trying to not wake Olivia up.

I can't take her with me, I can't put her in danger because I know what these guys are capable of, they'll kill her.

After I'm done with my shoes, I grab the car keys from the nightstand along with my passport and wallet.

And as soon as I open the door, a quiet voice startles me.

"Where are you going?" Olivia's voice calls.

I sigh, turning back around to see her sitting up in bed, looking at me with a worried expression, but she looks so tired at the same time.

"I- uh.." I stumble on my words. Should I tell her the truth? "I'm just going.."

"Don't lie." She says, standing up.

"Fine, I'm going back to London." I say and she gasps.

"Why?" She asks.

"I know that Maddy and Mason are there, and I have to leave now or I won't have a chance at catching them at the airport." I explain, starting to walk out the door.

"You're not leaving me here, are you?" She asks, grabbing my arm.

"Olivia, these guys are dangerous. Have you forgotten what happened to you a couple of days ago?"

"I'm not staying here, Darcy." She says. "You may think it's the best for me, but it's not. I'll go insane without you here. Please."

I sigh. "Fine, get your shoes on. Hurry up."

I'm making a big mistake, I know it.

She rushes around the corner to get her shoes and coat on, following me upstairs quietly.

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