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"Darcy?" Mason's voice startles me from my 'phase' and I cool down a sec before turning to him.

"Yeah?" I ask, feeling my fist throb in pain.

"Your hand's bleeding!" He cries, his eyes going wide while he rushes over.

I carelessly look down to it, barely being able to move it as the pain becomes excruciating.

"I know, Mason." I say, looking back up to him. "I got it."

I stand up, going over to the stairs, my hand holding my throbbing arm.

"C'mon, Maddy!" I call. "We are going to the hospital!"

This is ridiculous! Only if she would just listen!

But then again, it was kind of my fault.

I probably broke my hand and if I have, this really sucks because If anything bad happens, then I'm screwed, we are screwed.

"Maddy!" I yell again, starting to walk up the steps.

As soon as I reach the top, my phone starts ringing from my bedroom. I throw my head back, changing my direction.

I struggle to pick my phone up but realize I can't do it without letting go of my arm. I look down at the caller ID and see that it's Lily. Shit.

Well, it better not be important because I'm unable to do this. Ugh.

"Maddy!" I call once more, getting irritated while walking out and across the hall to her room.

She stands at her dresser with a towel on her head. She looks up to me, rolling her eyes.

"What?" She sighs,"I'm trying to find clothes to wear."

I look down to see the rest of her body in a long white towel.

"Well, hurry up." I say, still holding onto my arm, the pain not going away.

I turn around and walk out, shutting the door. I stand in the hallway for a good five minutes before she comes out.

She glances down to my arm before walking towards the steps

"I don't understand why I have to go!" She huffs, stomping down the steps.

"Maybe if you were a bit more responsible, I would consider leaving you here, but no. Honestly, I would feel safer with leaving Mason here by himself!" I say.

"This is unfair." She says, pulling her shoes on while I call Mason into the room.

He starts putting his shoes on also and I just slide on my flip flops since I can't bend down and pull sneakers on.

I tell Maddy to grab the keys and we walk outside, to the car. She unlocks the car for me and Mason opens the car door for me.

When I get in the car, I rest my hand in my lap, wincing at the pain. I watch Mason and Maddy get in the car as Maddy hands me the keys.

With my free hand, I put the keys in the ignition. I pull out of the driveway and head for the ER.

The car ride is silent with Mason watching the DVD player in the back while Maddy and I sit up front.

"I don't understand why you baby him." She whispers.

I look over to her while we stop at a stop sign and her eyes stare away from me, outside of her window.

"I don't spoil him." I scoff. "I give him what he deserves. He has earned what he has. And if you look at it my way, Maddy, I spoil you both. You're lucky I still let you do sports!"

She doesn't say anything as we pull up to the parking lot, climbing out as I turn the car off.

I walk into the ER doors, it being pretty packed. Damn.

I check myself in and end up standing as Maddy and Mason find 2 seats and sit down. I watch the TV along with Maddy and Mason while I do paperwork then it's nearly an hour before my name even gets called.

"Darcy!" The nurse calls. "Darcy Anne!"

I didn't put down my last name for security reasons. But to be honest, I should've probably changed my first name on the paper too. I walk to the back as Maddy and Mason follow behind me.

"Hello, my name is Olivia." She smiles.

She looks freaking gorgeous! Like she should be a model. Long brown hair that's tied up into a messy bun, green eyes. Freckles! I wish I were her.

"I will be your nurse." She says. "Would you like to explain what has happened?"

"I- uh.." I stutter, trying to find a good explanation. "I slammed my fist on the counter."

"Do you have anger issues?" She smiles, writing stuff down on her clip board.

"I guess so, yeah." I smile back at her as I watch her hand move swiftly across the paper.

"Did you get angry at your boyfriend?" She raises her eyebrows, her smiles gone.

"No." I shake my head. "I don't have a boyfriend. It was my sister."

I look over to Maddy who's playing on her phone. Not spoiled, my ass. She should be barricaded in her room for the shit that she has done.

"So you're single?" She asks, the smile returning.

I nod. "Yeah."

"Well, let's take a look at your arm then." She says, walking over to me.

"Have you done stuff like this before?" She asks.

"Every once in a while but it's never been this bad." I say. "Ow!" I wince once she touches a certain spot."

"I'll have doctor Addams come in and have a look." She says, starting to walk out.

I watch her walk out of the room and leave. I can imagine her and I becoming good friends. I don't know..

The doctor takes awhile to come in and when he does, he quickly looks at my hand, telling me that it's broken. He then sends me upstairs to get it casted. While walking out of the room, I bump into Olivia.

"Oh, hey!" She smiles. "Leaving so soon?"

I nod. "Yeah, have to get my arm casted."

"Oh, yikes!" She smiles. I look behind her into the waiting room and see the room empty, with a few people left. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah!" I say, nodding.

"Are you free tomorrow?" She asks and I see the nervousness in her face. But I nod. "Would you want to grab a drink or something?"

"Oh yeah!" I smile, but look over to Maddy and Mason. "Actually, I can't." I say and watch her face fall. "I can't leave them alone. But, if you want, you can come over to my place and hang out?"

Her smile reappears. "Yeah! Here's my number, text me later, alright?" She hands me a piece of small note pad paper.

I nod, smiling. "I'll talk to you later, Olivia! It was so nice to meet you!"

She smiles before nodding and walking off.

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