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It's been a couple of weeks since Olivia came over. I got my cast off today and Olivia wasn't even working today. Part of me was hoping she was..

She left that night, heartbroken. I haven't heard anything since, I've been waiting for something to happen, for somebody to break in and kidnap me. But it never came.

If she was working for one of them, they surely would have known where I lived by now. So..

I felt horrible for what I had done because I just kicked her out and it wasn't right of me. Because I was scared. I can't text her back and be like "Oh hey, I'm sorry."

Actually, I probably can but I'm too chicken ass to do so.

Maddy hasn't snuck out in a while. That I know of, at least.

We have been getting along better, which is good. I'm happy that we're getting along.

But I can't stop thinking about her. About Olivia.

I want to see her again, but I'm sure she's mad at me.

"Hello." I greet the man at the front desk in the ER. "Do you know when Olivia will be working again?"

"Oh, Olivia Peterson?" He asks and I nod, unsure of her last name. "She quit about a week ago."

"What?" I ask, shocked.

"Yeah, she moved across town. She works at Reynolds Hospital now." He explains and I thank him before leaving.

Maddy and Mason are at school so I don't have them right now. It's noonish and I have time to call her.

I only hope she's not working today at her other job..

I get into my car and pull out my phone, dialing her number.

"Hello?" A voice comes through as relief washes over me.

"Olivia?" I ask, hearing the other end go dead silent for a few seconds.

"Darcy?" She whispers. "Hey, I'm sorry for about what hap-"

"It's fine." I sigh. "I misjudged you, I'm sorry. Why didn't you tell me you were moving?"

"I thought you hated me." She says. "I thought you never wanted to speak to me again."

"Give me your address, I'll be over." I say.

"What about your siblings?" She asks.

"They're at school." I say, starting my car up.

She gives me her address and I type it in my GPS, taking about 30 minutes to get there. I don't know why she didn't just stay at the same hospital. This town is so busy, we have 2 hospitals, haha.

I pull onto the street in front of this apartment building and imagine it to be hers. I step out, going to the door that days 56B.

I knock.

Almost immediately, someone opens the door and I'm greeted by Olivia. Her hair is down, it's a mess and she has a hoodie and sweatpants on. When I step into her apartment, it's freezing so her apparel is understandable.

"Oh, my." I gasp as she closes the door, as my arms wrap around myself. "Olivia, it's freezing!"

I look around and see her flat screen playing some show and she has a cat who's curled up on the couch.

The kitchen's right off of the living room. The furnishing is dark with a huge fridge. In the living room, there is a tiny hallway with 3 doors.

Bathroom and two bedrooms, maybe?

"I'm sorry." She apologizes. "The thermostat is broken."

I turn around to face her. She's shaking, freezing. Goodness.

I walk over to her, wrapping my arms around her to try and keep her warm.

"Why are you here?" She asks.

"I'm sorry. What I did was stupid. But I can't stop thinking about you." I admit. "I just.. I want to be with you, Olivia."

She giggles, moving her head to be more comfortable.

"I overreacted." I admit.

"It's okay, I get it. I'm sorry too." She says.

She pulls back, smiling before putting her head back onto my shoulder.

"What time do your siblings get out of school?" She asks.

"Four." I say, pulling back to look at her. "Why?"

"Just wondering how much time I had with you." She smiles, walking over to the couch.

She plops herself down on the couch, curling up with the comforter, and her cat.

"Why did you move?" I ask her as I make my way over to her, sitting beside her.

"Money was getting tight." She sighs, turning to look at me.

"You could've asked me, I could've helped-"

"A 23 year old asking an 18 year old for money? No. I wouldn't. You practically have a family to raise, I don't need your money." She says as I scoot closer to her to get warm.

She gives me half of the blanket and soon we are cuddling together.

"So do you work or anything?" She asks.

"No. My dad's savings account was enough to last us years." I say.

"Why don't you get a job?" She asks. "Just for something to do, maybe? I don't know. I get bored on my days off, I can't imagine if I had everyday off."

"Well, people are after me. I'm sure of it. So, I don't want to have my brother and sister just disappear one day. Not having a job is more likely for that to not happen. But we are fine right now." I say.

"Well, if things ever get hard, you guys are always welcome to come live with me." She says.

"How are you struggling?" I ask. "Nurses make a lot of money.

"Yeah, we do." She says. "But I just thought I'd cut down a bit more and have it go towards savings. Plus I lived in a huge house, and it just became too much."

"Oh." Is all I say, snuggling closer to her, paying attention at the TV.

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