Art Lesson (Fight Time) [Part 4]

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A/N: I know, I know! It's been a very long time since I've last uploaded; but I back! (yay). 

Also please can you read my story Lurking Around Corners End?

But not just the first two chapters, all of it there's only 7 chapters and there not too long so please have a read! :D

Art Lesson (Fight Time) [Part 4]

Jasper: *Whispering* So what do you think he's gonna do?

Edward: Well this is Emmett were talking about so it could be anything!

Jasper: Thanks for making me feel so much better

Edward: Oh your so welcome

Jasper: Haha, your so funny. You know that?

Edward: Yup

Jasper: So how long are we gonna hide here?

Edward: As long as it takes

Jasper: Which is?

Edward: Unil he gets bored

Jasper: He could walk in, you know

Edward: No he won't

Jasper: And why not?

Edward: Cause he's too much of a mummy's boy to come into Carlise's and Esme's, with a risk of getting told off

Jasper: Ohhh yer

*Meanwhile In The Living Room*

That's it they think they can get away with wreaking my Jeep and get away with it. I would go and hunt them down now, but there in mum's room, so I don't plan on going in there any time soon. They think they are so smart hiding in there till I get bored, then they'll come out then there wrong. - By the way if your wondering how I know what there doing, I got really smart!... Joking I herd them talking, who's smart now eh - I'll just set up my new plan now and when i'm done they come out and they'll won't now what hit them. This is war! Hang on...






where is it?...


it's here somewhere...


finally got it...


let's get painting!

*Back Upstaires In Esme's Carlise's Room*

Edward: I think it's been long enough for him to get bored, shall we leave?

Jasper: Yes lets

*The Walk Down The Stairs*

Jasper: He actually disappeared

Edward: Told you he woul- ahhh

Jasper: What happe- my bum!

Emmett: *Laughing* ahh your faces. And I'm not even done yet *Pull's A Bit Of Rope Hanging From The Celling*

Jasper: Bleh

Edward: Gross

*Edward And Jasper Have Been Covered With Pink Paint, Glitter, And A Multitude Of Coloured Features Which Had Been Ridged To The Ceiling*

Emmett: Oh man... That was good... Face's... Pink... Glitter and feathers... Payback... Jeep... Cant... Stop... Laughing... ,Can't... Breath... .Don't need... To... Breath...

*Edward And Jasper Look At Each Other With A Knowing Look, This Is Not Going To Be The End*



All rights go to Stephanie Meyer








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