Glass Room (Fight Time) [Part 1]

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A/N: Just so you know this story thing is sorta finished. Meaning I wont be uploading very often hence why I marked it as finished, BUT I will keep uploading more chapters when I think of them :D Thanks.

Also can you read my story Lurking Around Corners End please, please, please. :) Thanks again.

Glass Room

Emmett: Hey let me out!

Jasper: Err... No!

Emmett: Why not?

Jasper: Cause not

Emmett: That's not an answer

Jasper: And?

Emmett: It's just not an answer

Jasper: So?

Emmett: Just let me out of here

Jasper: No

*5 Hours Earlier*

Edward: So what's the plan again?

Jasper: I got this glass room made

Edward: How did you get it?

Jasper: I know someone you owns a glass factory

Edward: Oh... And

Jasper: We set it up in the living room with one of the sides lifted up, so when Emmett gets back from hunting he'll walk right in and that's when we shut the door down on him

Edward: Okay... But whats stopping him from breaking out?

Jasper: Oh I also might have reinforced the glass with vampire venom

Edward: Fair enough so what now?

Jasper: We just wait

*4 Hours Later*

(Emmett Walks Into The House And Walks Strait Into The Trap)

Emmett: Err guys? Whats happening? Why cant I move?

Edward: Your trapped in a glass room

Emmett: I'm what!?

Edward: Stuck in a glass room

Emmett: I heard that!

(Emmett Bangs On The Glass Trying To Break Free)

Jasper: That's not going to work

Emmett: And why not?

Jasper: Because the glass is reinforced with vampire venom

Emmett: You did what?

Jasper: You herd me

*Back To The Present*

Emmett: Jasper I am sooo going to get you when I get out

Jasper: If you get out

Emmett: Oh I will get out

Jasper: We'll see

Emmett: Oh you will



All rights go to Stephenie Meyer








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