Chapter 1

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Grayson P.O.V

"Oh sweet he isn't here yet!" I said as I walked into the classroom just as the late bell rings

"Not quite, " I heard him say

"Take a seat, " he told me and so I did I walked to the back of the classroom and took my seat

"I'm sorry I'm late!" A girl then walked in handing him her pass

"That's okay!" He said and she took a seat that was right in front of me

The class goes on and I just don't understand.

Why did I choose this class?

How does mythology count as a history class anyway?

I mean we are learning about werewolves, which is kinda cool

"Alright class pens down," he says I look up and I see we have 2 minutes until class is over I look down at my paper and see I haven't answered any question

I then look up as I see him grab my paper and he just walks away.

Right then the bell rings.

"Grayson, Erica can you stay behind." He said

Once everyone is gone, we go up to him.

"Grayson this is Erica she is going to tutor you and help you pass my class!" He said with a smile

So the girl who sits in front of me her name is Erica?

"She will now be sitting next to you in class starting tomorrow!" He added

"Okay, sir!" Was all I said and she just nodded

Right before she walked out he stopped her

"Erica do not forget to come home straight after school." He told her and she nodded, then walked out and I followed her

"Hey, " I said and she turned around

"So this studying thing when is it going to start?" I asked

"I have a free period after lunch." She asked

"So do I, " I said softly

"Okay so meet me at the library then" she said and I nodded and we part ways

Time goes by and we are finally at lunch

For some reason I can't get Erica off my mind and we just met

"Yo, gray!" Carly said and my attention snapped to her

"Huh?" I questioned

"We decided to head over to the skate park when free period starts", she said

"Oh umm, I can't I have this tutoring thing for mythology," I said

"Since when does Grayson Blake listen to rules" max questioned

"I just need to pass this class I promise after school we can go to the skate park" I said

And before I knew it the bell rand I quickly grabbed my stuff and went to the library

Once I got there I looked around for a bit then I saw her sitting down on her computer I then walk over to her table and I sit down and she looks up at me and closes her laptop

"Hey" she said with a small smile

"Hi" was all I said

"Alright umm.." she said as she went into her bag and took out her folder "here" she said as she handed me papers and I look over them and noticed it was my test I didn't do at all

"Work on that, give it a try first so I'd know what you need help on" she said and I nodded and got to work

Once I got to working I noticed she had opened her computer again and had her headphones in she looks like she is really focused on what she is doing

I take this chance to take in her long brown hair and her brown eyes

What is it about her?

After a few minutes I finished

It was only 20 questions

"Done?" She asked as she closed her laptop and put it into her bag

She took my paper and went over it

"So is Mr. Shelton your dad?" I asked

"No" and was all she said

"Oh" I whispered under my breath

"You got a 50%, 10 questions right and 10 wrong which isn't bad," she said "here" she added as she handed me her phone "put your contact info in so I can email you copies of my notes" she added and so I did

"So is he your uncle then" I suddenly asked as I gave her back her phone

"yea my parents treated me bad my uncle doesn't like my dad or my mom so he took me in when I was 3, we really have a great relationship he is more like my best friend then uncle... I don't know what I'd do if I lost him" she said "what about you?" she added

"no, I'm not important," I said looking down

"I am sure that's not true," she said as she move closer but I just looked at her

"please you just met me and don't know anything about me so don't go and say things like that" I snapped and she backed up a bit

"I may not know you but everyone matters so don't think for a second you don't matter everyone matters, everyone has a place! they have been put on this earth for a reason and you have to find yours" she snapped I then looked away covering up the shocked expression I then looked up at her

"look I am not here to make friends I'm here to study and pass this class so once this thing is over don't bother talking to me you're my tutor and always will be nothing more," I said and got up and left

Erica's P.O.V

monday came quickly I am at my locker and he came up to me

"I can come by after school today and we can study," he said. I closed my locker and looked at him "I am busy today after school," I said then walked away. He came after me

"okay how about during lunch?" he asked again

"busy as well" i flatly said

"okay during free period" he asked again

"busy as well i guess we have to do it another day" i said then walked away

its free period now so I am in the dance room practicing.

"this is what your doing? I didn't know you dance" Gray said as he walked in which made me jump. I ended up falling but he caught me

"why are you here?" I asked him

"I was just passing by and I saw you, your good," he said

"if you want to stay then stay just don't interrupt me again" was all I said. He nodded and took a seat. I then restarted the song and got through the dance with no problem.

"how come you don't have friends? you are crazy good!" he blurted out, and that pissed me off.

"cause my uncle is a teacher. I am a nerd and no one wants to be my friend. They are too stuck up and snobby!" I snapped "why are you here? I thought you only wanted me to be your tutor and not your friend? You told me to forget that we know each other after this!" I said getting my stuff and walking away out of the class not wanting to hear his reply.

"ugh, why do I have to mess everything up?!" he said

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