Chapter 30

616 15 7

~The Survival Games~

'All tributes enter designated area's' A voice echoes above everyone, I hug Duncan and walk towards where I have been placed, to find my ally is Lewis

"Lewis!" I squeal, running over to him as he stands awkwardly in our area

"Thorn!" He grins, hugging me "At least my ally is someone nice, friend" He says, as I pull away

"Is Simon not participating this time?" I ask, curious as to why he was not placed with Simon

"No Simon is being a spectator" He says, his attention directing to the metal doors that close behind me

"Do you have any idea what the arena is going to be like?" I ask, looking at a digital clock that starts telling us to enter our tubes

"Nope" Lewis says "But, we are team 7 by the way"

"Um okay? why did you tell me that?" I ask, confused

"Because Ridgedog gives clues when allies get separated, he will say things  like 'Team 7, your ally is near you' and stuff like that" Lewis babbles, i get distracted by the clock that is still telling us to enter the tubes

"We should get in the tubes now" I say, Lewis nods and we both walking into separate tubes, as they rise I remember whats going to happen and start freaking out, why did I agree to this?, I soon realize the sun is glinting down on me, opening my eyes that I didn't even notice were closed.

I look around me, seeing tree's everywhere, a structure is built in the middle of the large circle of people, chests lining it's insides, I look to my left and see Lewis, to my right, Panda, I turn back to Lewis and see he is waving at me











Let the Survival Games Begin

A voice booms above us, before I know it I am sprinting towards the structure in the middle, opening a chest and finding a stone sword, some apples and an iron chestplate, I grab them and turn around, to see Nilesy, sword in hand, about to stab me, in two swift movements he is dead on the ground "I'm sorry Nilesy" I whisper, sprinting away.

"THORN!" I hear a voice shout, spinning around and seeing Lewis running towards me "I heard the canon, I thought you were dead!" He says, once he is next to me

"Well I'm not so lets go" I say, scanning him, he has a stone sword too, but no armour.

"Okay" He says, following me as I run towards what looks like a small building.


It has been 5 hours since the start of the games, 8 tributes dead, as far as I know they are; Nilesy, Sjin, Minty, Sparkles*, Toby, Martyn, Strippin and Sips.

Ridgedog's voice sounds overhead, congratulating the remaining tributes and telling us who is dead, I assumed right as they are in fact the people who are dead, I let out a sigh of relief, Duncan isn't dead, but then start to worry, the longer me and him survive the more likely it is that we will have to kill each other.

Lewis sigh's too, I guess he is worried that he will have to kill Hannah "Do you think we'll win this?" He says, after a long silence

"We wont win, we'll survive" I say, looking at the tree canopy

"If we get to the last two, you kill me okay? Can you promise me that?" He asks

"Lewis I can't promise that" I say, looking at him

"Please" He says, his eyes pleading for me to say yes

"Okay, but i don't think there's much chance we will even make it" I say, I may not speak to Lewis much but he's my friend, therefore if worst comes to worst, I can't kill him.


we have been in the arena for 2 more days, 11 people have died, meaning 2 groups are left, and me.

Lewis died earlier today, Parv killed him, which resulted in me sending an arrow into his skull, with tears streaming down my face.

I haven't even seen the other two teams yet, I am just lying here on the cold, muddy earth awaiting my immediate death. "Thorn?, RYTHIAN I FOUND THORN" A familiar voice fills my ears, I still don't make any effort to move

"Thorn?" Rythian Is now next to me "She is in a severe state of trauma" He says, asking me if i can hear him.

I finally break through the barrier that seemed to be blinding me

"R-Rythian!?" I say, sitting upright in a quick motion

"Oh thank god you are okay, what happened?" Zoey asks, a worried look on her face

"P-Parv, he killed L-Lewis" I stutter, images of Lewis dying flashing across my mind "S-So I killed him" I say, a tear forming in the corner of my eye "I've killed two of my friends Zoey" I say, looking her in the eyes

"That's what happens in the games" She says, enveloping me in a hug, Rythian soon joins us, so we are in a small 'cuddle huddle' (sorry I felt that would be fun to put it there).


An arrow flies past my head, spinning around and aiming my bow in the direction of the arrow I begin to scan the area, soon seeing a flash of long blonde hair in the leaves, another arrow narrowly misses my leg.

"Hannah? I can't climb tree's" A boy, I love walks out in front of a tree, before turning around, he drops his stone sword that he had his grip on and runs over to me, I begin crying and also running towards him, before we embrace, taking in each other's warmth

"I've missed you so much" He says quietly, sending shivers down my spine

"I've missed you too Duncan" I say, smiling. Hannah walks up behind him, her eyes glazed over, sword in her hand, before I can say anything she has plunged it deep into Duncan's skull, his eyes roll back into his head as he falls to the ground, A flash of anger runs through me as purple flames pour out of my eyes, her eyes clear and she drops the sword 

"Wh-what?" She says, but i don't hesitate to fire the arrow through her heart.


Another canon goes off, I turn to see Zoey on the floor, and Rythian, with the same glazed over eye thing (I don't know what to call it), He aims his sword at me

"Rythian" I say, but feel my heart get ripped out of my chest (mentally, not physically) as he stabs himself in the chest, deep red blood flowing out onto the sharp blade as he collapses to the ground.

Another canon goes off

"I present, the victor of this month's Survival Games, Thorn Endersea"

(I just made that last name up on the spot don't mind me)

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