Wait..you are Rythian?

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Authors note- So i actually decided to carry it on seing as -------JessicaEnderborn----- gave a freaking awesome idea!!, that wont all be happening in this chapter though;D -Kerri

Thorn's P.O.V (never would have guessed)

As i flew towards the looming black castle there were quite a few things i noticed that seemed out of place; A giant dinosaur building slightly behind it, a large 'Farm' sign, and a few giant mushrooms here and there.. on top of the castle was a tower, it looked amazing and i couldn't help but fly towards it, a window seemed to be open and i was about to go through it when i realized..I would be trespassing! i flew away from the tower and down towards a doorway.

 The doors were wide open but i still knocked and i was tackled by a green dinosaur, i did scream, i mean.. a dinosaur just attacked me. The dinosaur was still pinning me down on the ground as i saw a pretty girl with long red hair and amber eyes in the doorway, i was busy admiring her almost glowing eyes as she shouts "TEE HOW DARE YOU ATTACK RANDOM PEOPLE WE HAVE NEVER SEEN EVER.." she continues to babble as the dinosaur stands up.. i think she said he was called tee? he doesn't seem to be saying anything and i do find this slightly suspicious.. hey what? dinosaurs aren't supposed to talk so why on Earth would that be suspicious? "So, who are you?" i am deep in thought until i hear these words 

"Oh i'm um Thorn.." i mumble and see her walking up to me

"Well it's nice to meet you Thorn! I'm Zoey" She cheers hugging me, she is then interrupted by a cloud of purple smoke appearing out of no where and a boy with bright blue eyes (kind of like mine) standing in it, he has a cloak on that is blowing in the wind and seems to be a bit angry by the look on his face, i feel extremely intimidated by him but almost..happy? at the same time

"Zoey, who is this? WAIT she could be a spy of Duncan! You can't just go up to random people and hug them!" He seems to be really worried, he must really care about her (aww *-*) wait..what.. a spy of Duncan? N-N-no it can't be..

"This is Thorn! she is now a friend of mine, and she is way too nice to be a spy of Duncan,Rythian!!" Zoey starts to explain but a shiver goes down my spine as i hear her say..Rythian, i begin to shake uncontrollably and i'm not quite sure whats happening, then all of a sudden i find myself running straight towards water, WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING!? DUNCAN TOLD ME NOT TO GO IN WATER, OR EVEN NEAR IT!! i scream to myself in my head but my legs just wont stop, i jump into the water and straight away feel my skin burning away and i start screaming, actually screaming not just mental this time.

I feel myself being dragged out of the water, put on the ground, wrapped in something and then being carried away by a different person.. when i can actually open my eyes i see Rythian.. i flinch back as i see him raise his hand.. then chuckle to myself mentally as he takes a flannel off my head, it isn't soaked in water, i'm not sure what it is soaked in? he then starts speaking in a different language of some sort that i don't understand but i recognize it. It is only now that i can actually see what he looks like, glowing blue eyes, a mask covering half his face, brown hair with a streak of blonde.. i am still examining him when i notice he is looking at me i blush immediately and then hear him say "You are like i was" and then shake his head, almost as if he is saying 'No im just imagining it' to himself, i sit up and look around the room, it must be some kind of spare room, it has lots of bookshelves everywhere and also glass bottles full of potions that look like the ones in Duncan's castle.

 "I'm sorry i couldn't introduce myself before..that happened" He says looking at me, a strong Swedish accent in his voice "I'm Rythian" this time he isn't looking at me but instead at the doorway "Zoey is coming i'm sure she wants to check you are ok, she seems very fond of you" Sure enough, i hear someone running towards the room and it's Zoey

"THORN!! YOU ARE OK!!" she shouts running up to me and almost suffocating me with a hug, i may not even properly know her yet but she sure is a lovely person!

"Haha i guess so" i say, it hurts my throat a little and i start coughing

"Here, drink this" Rythian offers me a glass of what looks like water and i take it, thanking him before i start to drink it, it stings a little bit and then i notice..the flavour, it's the same as the potion Duncan gives me. As i realize this i start coughing again and end up coughing it all over myself, Zoey starts laughing and then looks worried 

"Are you coughing because you still have water in your lungs!!?? You were drowning when you were in that water! Tee had to jump in and pull you up!" she starts running around, freaking out and Rythian starts laughing

"Zoey, she's fine" he says still chuckling until Zoey trips over something on the floor..my bag. It Flies across the room and a bottle of potion from inside it flings out, smashing against the wall i immediately jump out of the seat and run towards where the potion bottle's remains are all on the floor, kneeling in the glass i start to cry, this was the only potion i had and it was to deal with the pain i get every night! Zoey starts freaking out again as she see's I am bleeding from being in the glass, she pulls be back and puts me on the settee 

"I only tripped over there was no need to cry" She says pulling glass carefully out of my knees

"Zoey.. i don't think that is why she is crying" Rythian has a bit of paper in his hand, i mentally shiver as i realize..that's the note from Duncan, he then walks out, dropping the piece of paper on the floor

"Jeeze what got his knickers in a twist" Zoey and I laugh as she continues taking the glass out of my knees, she gasped falling back a shocked expression on her face and starts screaming

"ZOEY! what's wrong!!!" Rythian sprints into the room and kneels beside her, comforting her 

"H-Her skin healed over!" She studdered, still in shock. I look down at my knees and sure enough, they had healed

"That's..impossible" Rythian mumbled, standing up and walking over to me "Now, are you going to tell us who you really are, and What you are" he is giving me a serious expression and i knew straight away, this was going to take a long time

The Experiment- Yogscast Duncan/Lalna fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now