Chapter 28 (i still cba to think of a name)

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Author's note- hiiii, sorry for not updating, i've been doing a youtuber fanfic, i've decided I will update this once a week, if i don't then sorry, i'm just pretty lazy that's all- Kerri

Thorn's P.O.V

 "Well ,Toby and Martyn, it's very nice to meet you!", I can tell we are going to be great friends, Martyn walks up ahead, along with Toby, so I just sort of, trail behind, after what feels like years we reach a camping site, a blue tent at one end and a fire in the middle, with logs around it, also a small mine is to the side of the fire.

"So here we are, this is our base!" Martyn says proudly and Toby laughs

"Martyn she's been staying in a bloody castle!" Toby says, between laughs

"Oh right, yeah, this is definitely not as impressive" Martyn mumbles, looking at the ground

"It's open, i like open" I say, not wanting Martyn to be upset, and I do like nature and all that stuff so i wasn't exactly lying, Martyn sat down by the fire and I joined him, we ended up having a conversation between the three of us that lasted for hours, soon Martyn and Toby went to sleep, they built me a different tent and bed aswell, but I couldn't sleep, now I'm sitting on top of a tree and looking at the stars, it's something I've liked to do for as long as I can remember, and now I have my memory back I've learned that me and my mother would do this for hours.

 Next thing I know, my eyes are closing and I drift off to sleep.


"Thorn?" A voice says, waking me up, I open my eyes and see Toby is on the ground, looking up at me "Why are you on a tree, and why were you asleep?" He asks, looking at me, confused

"Oh I must've fallen asleep, I was stargazing" I reply, and see Martyn is also down there now

"Good morning" Martyn says sleepily, not questioning why I am sitting on a tree.

"Morning!" I reply cheerfully, jumping off the tree "I still need to find Tee, I will be leaving today, thanks for letting me stay" I say, after wondering around in the forest with the boys for about 2 hours, I say my goodbyes and fly off, using my flying ring, of course. I soon come across the jaffa factory and see Lewis flying around "Lewis!" I shout, flying towards him

"Oh, hello Thorn! long time no see" He says, still concentrating on covering up the wires that hung out of the walls

"I was wondering if you'd seen Tee?" I ask, he looks at me confused "Tee the dinosaur?" I say, looking at Lewis

"Oh right, Tee, no I'm sorry I haven't ,maybe you could ask Ridgedog, he always knows where everyone is on this world" Lewis says, now looking at me

"Where can I find this 'Ridgedog'?" I ask, Lewis tells me to head north, to the highest mountain as that's where Ridgedog's base is, I thank Lewis and begin flying north, looking at my compass that I hold in my hand.

Eventually I see a high mountain that looks as if it has a base built into the side of it, I fly up to an opening and walk in

"You know, It's rude to trespass on people's land" A voice echoes behind me, I spin around and see nothing, looking around on the spot I eventually see a man, wearing a long brown jacket and black trousers.

"W-Who are you?" I stutter, looking at his outfit

"I am the person you are looking for" He says, circling me 

"Ridgedog?" I ask

"That's me" He  chuckles evilly "Now, why do you want to see me?" He asks, standing in front of me

"I am looking for my friend, Tee the dinosaur, Lewis told me you would know where he is" I say, quickly

"I will tell you where your friend is, but you will have to do something for me in return" He says, looking me in the eyes

"Anything!" I say, desperate to find my friend

"You will have to join my game" He says, still looking me in the eyes, examining my thoughts

"What's your game?" I ask, confused

"The survival games"

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