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Authors note- Aboutt to start revising for creative writing exams, i guess this can help in some way:P -Kerri

Zoey's P.O.V
As i pull away from Rythian i notice Thorn and Duncan are both on the floor, Duncan is making stange noises signalling he must be alive to some extent, but right now my main priority is Thorn.
 I bend down next to her, putting my ear above her mouth, listening for an inhale and exhale of breath (did you know if you say ears it sounds like your saying 'yes' in a posh voice!?) I am sitting there for a while until i hear a faint breath. Spinning into action immediately, rushing around attempting different revival techniques, when i notice the fact she is bleeding heavily "Rythian" I murmur and hear him walk over to me, he says nothing and I guess he felt he didnt need to say anything.
"If we don't do anything now...she could die" I say quietly, looking down at her bloody form.
Rythian still says nothing..in shock maybe? im not particularly sure..
"Put pressure on the wound, I will be right back" Rythian says, I do as he asks and he walks towards the castle..I'm not sure why he doesn't just fly.. there is probably no particular reason, im just over thinking the situation.  Rythian walks back over to me but now he has a book in his hands, "Step back please" he murmurs, bending down and putting his hands on the wound, he murmurs some inaudible words before stepping back.."if this doesn't work then we're to late" he mumbles..sitting on the floor. We sit for what feels like hours before a harsh breath interrupts the awkward silence. Rythian rushes into action, mumbling more inaudible words as I just stand there, completely shocked with joy and confusion.
"R-Rythian?" a faint voice fills my ears..I jolt my head up to see Thorn is awake and is about to stand up, but then sits back down in shock as she looks at me "W-what the? Zoey?" she says.tears clouding her eyes "You-You're okay?" she stutters, then looking at Rythian, who is smiling down at her, genuinely happy that she is okay "OMIGOD WHERES DUNCAN!?" she shouts, making me jump out of my skin, she stands up and looks around, she then notices Duncan on the floor, groaning "Duncan?" she mumbles, turning him onto his back (he was face planting the grass) she then bursts out laughing, I walk over to see what she is laughing at..and then see, Duncan has a blob of mud stuck to his nose, and the rest of his face "okay, seriously though? are you alright?" she asks as he wakes up,
"Please tell me i'm not dreaming" he says, a smile of joy spreads across his face before he pulls her into a hug, rolling across the grass, me and Rythian chuckle but then look at each other awkwardly as they pull each other into a passionate kiss
"ahem, I guess we'll leave you to it" I say walking towards the castle, hand in hand with Rythian

Authors note- well um yeah....sorry? I haven't updated in forever, I have a new phone now and I did this chapter in it! *le yay* uhh yeahh byee? -Kerri

The Experiment- Yogscast Duncan/Lalna fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now