Chapter 29 (I've given up on names, sorry)

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"The Survival Games" He smirks, reading my expression to test my reaction, Duncan has told many stories of 'the games', about how he has to fight in an arena, against his friends, kill all of them, or be killed, to just come back to life and carry on living, just for entertainment...It's pretty messed up, I can only imagine the vivid nightmares he must have.
 I clear my throat, not really sure what to say, then I think, if i don't do this, I might never see Tee again, as I have said before..Tee never leaves, unless something bad has happened. "I'll do it" I say sternly, looking the smiling man in the eyes, his eyes light up
"The next show is in two weeks, I would train, be prepared to kill your friends, of course I'm not going to tell you who they are now, you will see soon"
"Okay, I guess" I say awkwardly, looking around the base
"You should be on your way, go tell Duncan maybe? Or your brother" I hear him say while my back is turned
"How do you kno-" I begin to say, spinning round, only to find he has disappeared.
"Duncan?" I say, landing on the soft grass behind him
"Thorn!? I'm so glad you are okay!" He says, pulling me into a hug
"I-I need to tell you something, and I think you are going to be angry" I say, pulling away from his hug, a look of concern flashes across his face
"What?" He asks, after hat feels like an hour of silence
"I may or may not have agreed to take part in the next survival games" I say quickly, without taking a breath
"YOU WHAT!?" Duncan shouts, scaring me a tiny little bit (hint on the under exaggeration) "WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING SO UTTERLY STUPID, DO YOU ACTUALLY WANT TO DIE, OR KILL SOMEONE ELSE, LIKE RYTHIAN? OR ME?" He pretty much screams
"Who says I'll have to kill you, Ridgedog said how certain people aren't always in it? and y-you could kill me?" I mumble, finding it hard to find the correct words
"You seriously think I could kill you?" Duncan whispers, placing one hand on my cheek, i stay silent, knowing it was a bit of a stupid thing to say given the circumstances.
"We could be allies?" I ask
"Ridgedog puts us in teams, I'm normally placed with Hannah" He says, looking at the ground
"How many people are there normally?" I ask, wow I'm asking lots of stuff
"24, 12 teams of 2" Duncan says
"Even if we aren't put in a team, we can be allies, right?" I ask, looking him in the eyes
"Of course" He says, hiding a smile
"Then we can do this together?" I say, also smiling
"Together" Duncan confirms, not hiding the smile anymore.

Hey guys! I'll probably do another update tomorrow as This is superrrr short, but yeah see you then!:) -Kerri

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