Chapter 5

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[Aiko Pov]

I woke up relatively early and decided to take advantage of my early rise by getting ready for school and going downstairs to finish some homework that was due for today. I had accidentally completely forgotten to do it since I was busy playing video games all day and didn't even spare a glance towards it.

I went to the 5th floor using the elevator as I was too lazy to walk and with a soft ding it opened and exposed me to a peculiar sight. I stood at the elevator door when I saw Yusuke and Fuuto battling one another. "Ummm, you two alright?" I asked awkwardly as my gaze drifted between them. In return, they simply ignored me; being too busy squabbling with each other to pay attention to a short female letting out squeaks. I walked next to them and kicked Yusuke in the stomach.

"ANSWER ME GINGER!" I yelled in irritation.

"Ouch! That hurt Aiko!" Yusuke shouted holding his stomach and finally letting go of his younger brother. "AND DON'T CALL ME GINGER!"

While smirking I walked down the stairs to see Ema helping Ukyo with breakfast. I was rather surprised why everyone was up so early in the morning but maybe there was something special happening. "Morning Ema, Morning Ukyo." I greeted politely while smiling at them. Ukyo returned it with a gentle smile of his own.

"Morning sis." Ema replied skipping up to me a hugging me tightly. I hugged her back then sat at the table to eat food.

"Why is everyone up so early?" I asked oblivious to the fact that it in big, bold letters it read '7:31' on the digital clock on the wall and was not the time I actually thought it was.

"Um. Aiko we're going to school in 10 minutes, you're up late" Ema replied with an amused glint in her eyes, she was having fun at the expense of my stupidity. My eyes widened and I instantly legged it up the stairs to gather my things.

Once I had run downstairs with my things I shouted out a goodbye and quickly whipped round to begin running to school leaving Yusuke, Ema and Fuuto to walk together. (A/N Fuuto goes to school with them already)

As I zipped through the crowds of students I could feel my heart pound in my chest. I had promised to be in early since I had to talk to a teacher of mine. By the time I had made it to my classroom I was gasping for air and kneeling on the floor as my legs gave way. I was in no way ready for that amount of exercise this early in the morning.

"I-I made it" I panted looking up to see my teacher standing near me staring at me like I was some sort of alien. "Haha, um morning!" I laughed awkwardly standing up and dusting myself off.

Luckily my teacher didn't ask too many questions and we rather rapidly got down to business. Over the last few months I had been seriously debating what University I would go to after I finished High School and currently had applied to multiple for a scholarship, two of which were in America and another in Tokyo.

I was truly twisted. My heart told my so many different things and my brain drifted away whenever the topic came up which made me seriously stressed. My teacher was the one that I came to for advice and she was saving me from further panic one step at a time.

After the meeting the rest of the day was boring with Mathematics, Science and Art in the morning. With a groan I slumped back in my seat until Ema's cheery voice called out to me. "Aiko wanna eat lunch together?"

"Um no thanks I'm not that hungry, why don't you go with Yusuke and your other friends?" I replied fake smiling at her. To tell the truth I was slightly hungry but stress curdled my stomach and twisted my insides. If I got a scholarship it would mean the costs of going to Uni would dwindle drastically and with the desire not to rely on the financial position my new family were in, it was almost a necessity to achieve one.

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