Chapter 14

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I walked back and forth in my bedroom, my feet endlessly retracing my pacing steps as I allowed my mind to wander aimlessly. Since I had come home I had yet to leave the safety of my bedroom, the daunting realisation that on the other side of the door, Natsume and the family lingered. It was a ridiculous thing to worry about but I couldn't escape the thoughts that flooded my mind. As I continued pacing I noticed the screen of my phone light up instantly forcing me to leave the routine I had become accustomed to for the last half an hour.

Flopping onto my bed I glanced at the screen only to see a text from an unknown number. I quirked a brow as I read the text, "Seems Kyo was serious about making this chat."

I smirked as I made my witty reply, Kyo had seriously invited me to a chat with everyone.


"Oh god, am I seriously stuck talking to you guys?"

"Pfft, nice to see you too Aiko. This is Kotaro btw."

"Gross, it's you."

"Hey Itsuki! Looks like it's your onee-chan's here."

"Shut up Kotaro!"

"Excuse me, i'm fine without having anymore brothers."


I chuckled quietly to myself at our conversation until I heard a knock at the door. With a sigh I lifted myself off the bed and chucked my phone back on the covers. Reluctantly I headed towards the door and flung it open. "Hello, what is it?" I asked tiredly looking up at the knocker only to see that it was Iori. He smiled at me softly, his deep brown eyes glistening and perfectly white teeth almost blinding.

"Ukyo wanted me to come get you for dinner." He replied slowly turning away to walk off before I joined him.

Our short walk to the elevator was filled with an awkward silence. Iori wasn't someone I would usually talk to, he was very formal and seemed to be much better behaved then the other teenage brothers. After not spending a lot of time getting to know him I felt guilty, he was only a year older than me so I should make the effort. "You take care of the garden, right?" I asked trying my best to push through the quiet. He simply nodded in reply as we entered the elevator. "The flowers always look amazing, I always wondered how you're able to keep them like that."

I watched on as the number slowly decreased and with a loud 'ping' doors open. "I suppose I have a knack for it. Gardening has always been something I enjoyed."

I carried on walking beside the silver-haired prince and we soon were close to the dining room. I wouldn't have much time to hang-out with Iori seeing as he took school and studying quite seriously and rarely was around the house. "I'd love to help you whenever I can, save you from doing it all alone."

My offer seemed to surprise him slightly as his usual soft eyes widened, "I wouldn't want to bother you especially when you're in your last year of high school." He responded quietly almost so silent that I couldn't hear him. I suppose my first impression of him being a introverted, soft spoken guy was slightly accurate.

"You'd never be a bother, we're family after all." I said with a smile as we entered the dining room and were greeted by the rest of the family hurrying us over to sit down. Iori rushed over leaving me the last free seat which just so happened to be beside a tall male with orange hair. Natsume... After everything that had happened that day I had almost forgotten that he was staying for dinner but, why, oh why, did I have to be the one seated next to him?

With a short, silent sigh I reluctantly wandered over to the seat and sat down without a word. We didn't have to be awkward, and I definitely did not want us to be but with the events of the night I had spent at his always being in the forefront of my mind it was difficult to concentrate. "Subaru your basketball game is tomorrow right? I might not be able to make it but I wish you luck." Ema's voice sounded through the distorted chatter I had been ignoring.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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