Chapter 4

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There was a week before the wedding and I found myself walking home alone as raindrops slowly danced around me before hitting the cold ground. It was only drizzling but it was enough to chill the air and make my warm breath condense.

I had stayed late to help the teachers like usual and sent Ema and Yusuke home together since I didn't want them to wait hours for me. My eyes followed my feet as I walked along the cobbled street, instead of my normal route I decided to take the long way in order to spend time away from the family. After I had ran away and got lost Tsubaki got rather angry at me for worrying him and the others so much. Sure I felt bad but I was still annoyed at his patronising words, he treated me like a child.

I chuckled to myself as the thought of Yusuke walking home with his crush came to me. I had always known about him liking Ema, but now since we are gonna be a family it's not going to end up well. Not only that but Ema was such an airhead when it came to liking guys that I don't think she will ever realise his true feelings for her.

It was still light out but the rain quickly started getting heavier and I was left with no umbrella. "Yay I'm truly an idiot" I muttered as I rushed along the street trying to find a place to duck under. While my head dashed around I was rooted in place suddenly realising that the rain had stopped but only above me. I watched confused as it continued pattering on the ground around me.

"Yeah you are" A voice said in return. I darted my head to my left to see Natsume holding an umbrella over me. My blue eyes widened in shock at his sudden appearance, why the hell was he here?

"Cheers Natsume," I said smiling awkwardly at him. He cocked his head to the side and stared at me slightly confused, "Why are you in the rain in your school uniform?" I blinked a few times before realising what he said, I had far too many questions flooding my mind to hear him.

"Oh, I kind of didn't bring an umbrella and I left school late." I explained as an embarrassed blush spread across my cheeks. I scratched the back of my neck and shifted my gaze away from the tall male.

"Well, should we go to a café? I can get you something hot to drink." Natsume offered.

"Um no I couldn't put you through that trouble, I'll just walk home." I replied quickly. I knew that if he did anything nice to me I would feel bad and in debt to him but, he only shook his head and within minutes I was being pulled into a nearby café. As soon as we entered a warm breeze hit me along with the sweet scents of pastry and coffee. Within a few minutes the two of us were seated- Me with a hot chocolate and Natsume with a coffee.

"You go to Hinode high correct?" Natsume asked me through sips of his drink. I nodded my head quickly.

"Yeah I go there with my brother and sister." I said doing the same.

"My younger brother goes there too." He added. Oh wow, to me that wasn't much of a surprise since Hinode High was one of the most popular high schools in the area but I was still rather interested in what Natsume's younger brother was like.

As the time went on we talked about a lot of different topics and eventually started talking about video games. I found out that Natsume actually worked for a company that made video games. My mind was blown the more I talked to him, he seemed like someone that I had a lot in common with and could really be my weird self around.

"Wow really?" I asked amazed.

"Yes" Natsume replied with a wide grin as he gazed at my wide eyes that sparkled with excitement. He took another sip from his coffee before handing me a business card. As I glanced over it I felt my eyes widen further if that was even possible.

"Oh my! I love this company, they make my favourite games!" I exclaimed beaming at Natsume.

"Really?" He asked, to which I violently nodded my head. I was obsessed with video games and the company Natsume worked at just so happened to me absolutely amazing at creating intense stories that blended perfectly together with great voice acting and graphics. "You know you could be a tester for games? We could always use different peoples opinions." Natsume added.

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