Chapter 23 (Edited)

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Mira knocked on the door to Raymond's office and opened it when she heard a muffled 'enter'. She groaned when she saw Judy and Raymond were lip-locking and covered her eyes, her face turning a bit red. "My Angel eyes," she groaned, teasingly.

She heard some shuffling and opened her eyes to see that they both were looking down and blushing. "You said for me to enter, Raymond," she said, raising an eyebrow at the Alpha.

"O-of course," Raymond cleared his throat, gesturing towards a seat across from his desk. He shifted in his seat and placed an arm around his mate, making sure that she stayed close to him. "What can I do for you?"

"I need information," Mira replied, sitting down in the chair. She placed her hands on the desk and leaned forward, watching the older Alpha. "And since you are family with Raphael, I am sure that he gave you a form of the Angel History."

Raymond frowned and leaned forward. His whole body was tense, and Mira could tell that he did not want to give up what he had received from his family. "And why would I give it to you?" he asked, acting all business-like. He raised an eyebrow and studied the young Angel, not knowing if he could trust her with it.

"A Demon acquaintance of mine came to see me before..." She shrugged, not wanting to go into the detail of getting ignored by her friends. "...and the attack that happened a couple of weeks ago. Something about those two incidents does not add up, and I think that there is something bigger going on." She touched the scar on her temple, knowing that it was barely noticeable to the couple. "It seems to me that the Demons are plotting something."

"And, why would you want the handbook? It's small."

"To those that are not Angel's," Mira replied, smirking. She leaned back in her seat and stared at the two adults. "You need a bit of Angel blood to see what is in there."

"I want to see this," Judy said, excitedly. She touched the arm of her mate, causing him to look at her. A grin was on her face, and Mira could tell that Judy was on her side. "Ray, why don't you get the book?"

Raymond frowned and turned his gaze on Mira before he studied her. From the way that his body was tense and shaking, Mira knew that he didn't trust her. He had no reason not to trust her, but he couldn't help but not.

"It's fine," Mira said, waving dismissively. "I can see if Nikolai has one." Her face darkened and anger appeared in her eyes. "Since the idiot made me burn mine."


"I was an Advanced Warrior and Nikolai was a Novice Warrior. He had done something that set off a set of Vampires, or something of that nature, before disappearing. He took away the only exit that we had from that place, leaving me there on my own."

"But you are still alive."

Mira nodded. She knew that she was still alive, well as alive as a female that was dead could get. "I fought and burnt the book, getting out of the place that I was trapped in." She shook her head, a smile appearing on her lips. "When Gabriel had gotten there to get me out, I had the head of the leader in my hand and handed it to him before leaving."

"What were you going to do?"

Mira shrugged her shoulders. "I got Raphael to let Nikolai and I have a fight and beat his behind." She smirked, looking more like a dangerous Warrior than an innocent female. Her whole body screamed danger, and she knew that others would not want to mess with her. "He knows better to leave his partner now."

"I will have to consult with Raphael before giving you the handbook," Raymond said. He leaned back in his seat. "You are dismissed."

Mira gritted her teeth together, feeling annoyed. "Tell him that I want to speak with him," she said, standing. She left the room, after hearing Raymond yelp in pain. She knew that Judy had smacked him, and she couldn't help but smile slightly. "That's what you get for treating me like an inferior," she muttered, walking into the kitchen.


"Why are you usually going into the kitchen when you don't eat anything?" an amused voice asked behind her.

Mira turned around and smiled when she saw that it was Jeff. "I was trying to find someone to hang out with," she replied. "People seemed to hole up in the kitchen, even when they aren't hungry," she mused.

Jeff laughed and slung his arm across Mira's shoulder. "Well, what do you want to do, lovely Angel?" he teased, causing Mira to scoff and roll her eyes.

"I haven't really been exploring this town," she replied. "What about that?"

Jeff smirked. "Or I could take you somewhere else we, usually, hang out at," he replied. "And show you around town." He paused. "We can take Bella if you want."

Mira nodded. She was glad that he had suggested taking Bella because Mira wanted to spend time with both of her friends. It had been a while since she had hung out with them, and she really wanted to. "That'd be wonderful."

"Where are you going?" someone asked, causing Mira to roll her eyes. "Mi-"

Mira looked at Jeff, her jaw set and her whole body tense. "I'll be in outside," she said, interrupting Tony. There was an edge in her voice that caused Tony to flinch. "Tell Bella to meet us."

Jeff looked between them and nodded. "I will. I'm going to have a word with Tony before I go." He glanced at the other male, disgust evident in his eyes. He did not like not hanging out with Mira because of this whiny person.

Mira nodded her head and walked outside, ignoring Tony's pleading gaze. Her heart broke, but she had no control over his actions. He had to make it up to her and put up with her ignoring him. She wanted him to feel the heartbreak that he had caused her, even though two wrongs did not make it right.  

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