Chapter 3 (Edited)

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Mira opened the bedroom door that was just on top of the staircase and onto the left. She looked around and saw that it was a fairly sized room with a queen sized bed in the middle of the room.

On the bed, there was a piece of chocolate as well as a letter, from Gabriel or Raphael. The covers on the bed looked to be soft, and she couldn't help but smile. All she wanted to do was lay down, even though she wouldn't need any sleep.

In front of the bed, there was a chest that seemed to look like she could sit on it, if she wanted to. She knew that the chest would be filled with some weapons, because she would still have to do her job of protecting the Humans as well as making sure that the four realms of Earth were safe.

To the left of her, there was a dresser, and she knew that there would be clothes in there for her all ready. Hopefully, there would be something silky for her to wear in the evening and during training. Mira was not sure she would be able to stand the feeling of these clothes while training.

On the other side of the bed, there was a balcony that overlooked the greenery of the forest. Her wings itched to be let out, because it has been a while for her to tuck them close to her. However, she didn't, knowing that at any moment, one of the family members could walk into her room.

To the left of the balcony, there was a desk and a chair. Some books were all ready on it, and she knew that it was probably for school.

School. She shuddered at that word. Mira didn't know how much it changed during the time that she went there, but hopefully, it didn't consist of sewing or learning how to be a good housewife for a male.

Mira shook her head before stepping further into the room. Underneath her shoes, she could feel that the white carpet was soft, and she hoped that it was true.

Not bad, she thought, spying two doors that were slightly open to reveal a walk-in closet and a bathroom. I might actually enjoy it here.

Mira placed her bag onto the bed before going over to the balcony. She pushed aside the white curtains before opening the glass doors.

Her wings itched to be let out, but she knew that wasn't possible, not yet. She had to make sure that the area was safe for her, and she had to make sure that no one could see that she was actually an Angel.

Mira sighed and turned to go back into her room. She closed the doors to the balcony before moving over to where the note laid on her pillow. Her curiosity got the best of her, and she hoped that it wasn't something that could anger her, unintentionally.

A small smile appeared on her lips when she saw that it was by Raphael. She opened it up to see his neat handwriting staring up at her.

One week, it said. Try for one week, and if you don't like it, then you will be able to come back. Enjoy the outfits that have been placed in your closet and drawers.


Mira sighed and shook her head and tossed the note back onto her bed. "Hopefully he laid out some silk," she muttered before she walked towards the entrance to the bedroom door again. "I don't need to get a rash or something."

With that, she stepped out of her room and started to go on her journey to the forest.

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