Chapter 10 (Edited)

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The hairs on the back of her neck stood up when she felt another Angel's presence. Her whole body tensed, because Mira hadn't expected anyone, another Angel, to be here with her, and she couldn't help but be annoyed with Raphael and Gabriel. She knew that they were the people that had sent this Angel to watch over her.

The door slammed open, causing the teacher, Mr. Reeves, to stop in his lesson and for the students to look at the door. "Sorry, I'm late," a very familiar Russian voice said. "I kind of got lost getting to the class."

Mira glanced at the door to see the other Angel and groaned. "Why did you have to send Nikolai?" she muttered under her breath, running a hand through her hair and grimaced. "Why not someone that I could stand?" Mira couldn't stand Nikolai Anokhin because of a very bad experience that had almost lead to Mira getting "killed".

"Who are you?" the Latin teacher, Mr. Reeves, asked. Suspicion filled his voice, probably because Nikolai was not on his roll sheet. He frowned and looked at the list before looking at the male.

"Nikolai Anokhin," he replied. "I just started school today, so I wouldn't be on your sheet."

"Miss Nevaeh is a new student, and she is on my roll sheet," Mr. Reeves replied. He looked at the poor girl, who was trying to hide behind Jeff.

Nikolai followed the teacher's gaze and smirked when he saw the hiding female. "Well, Miss Nevaeh did not just come from Italy, now did she?" he asked, smoothly. He winked and gave her a smug smile, causing the older female to wrinkle her nose in disgust.

"Or she was supposed to come earlier and wasn't supposed to be getting help," Mira mumbled under her breath, causing Jeff to look at her curiously. She shook her head before staring into Nikolai's blue eyes. "It's nice to see you again," she said, her voice leveled. "Italy didn't suit your needs?"

"Do you two know each other?" Mr. Reeves asked. He glanced at the two of them. Confusion filled his eyes, and Mira knew that others were confused as to how these two knew each other as well.

"Unfortunately," Mira replied with a huff. She sent him a look caused the other Angel to clear his throat and look away before looking at her.

"Awww, come on, Nevaeh," Nikolai said, smirking and winking again. He gave her a look that caused Tony to growl, making both Mira and Nikolai to look at him before they looked back at each other. "You can't keep a grudge for forever."

Mira raised an eyebrow. Her expression was clear. She was unamused, and she was wondering if he wanted to make a bet. Since Mira was an Angel, she could sort of hold a grudge, even though the Bible said to 'forgive and forget', or 'turn the other cheek'. That was something that she could do, but she couldn't seem to do it with him.

Nikolai shook his head, knowing what Mira was saying before turning to the teacher. There was a small bit of fear in his eyes, but he quickly hid it. "I'll find my seat and then you can continue with your lovely lecture," he said. He bowed, mockingly, before taking a seat behind her.

"Now, onto the lesson that was rudely interrupted, we will be talking about the grammar of the Latin language. Are there any questions so far?" Mr. Reeves asked, going into the lesson.

Mira shot Nikolai an annoyed look before turning to the front. She could feel two set of eyes on her back, and knew that both Tony and Nikolai were watching her.

A small groan escaped her lips, while she laid her head on the desk. Could this day get any worse for her? She hoped not.


The bell rang, signalling the end of class. Mira was practically out the door, not really wanting to deal with Jeff, Tony, and Nikolai. She didn't care that she didn't know where her next class was. She just knew that there would be a lot of questions from Jeff and probably Tony.

"Hey, watch- oh, are you alright?" someone asked, catching Mira by surprised.

Mira blinked to see that she had almost ran over a girl, the same girl that had been in the truck with Tony. "Oh, um... I'm so, so sorry," she said. "I-I did not see you and I-"

The female, Bella, looked at her, concerned. She looked behind her, and a corner of her lip flicked up into a smile. "Running away from trouble?" she teased.

Mira looked down. Her heart was pounding like a runaway train, because she knew that he was close. "Something like that," she said, honestly. "I-I just need to..."

Bella nodded her head in understanding and took Mira's hand. "Come on, I know where he will not go." She turned in the opposite direction and pulled Mira that way. After a few minutes, she stopped in front of a locker and opened it to show a locker with nothing in it. "Here, get in here."

"Why not somewhere else?" Mira asked, looking at the locker before looking up at Bella. Her whole body was tense, and she could feel the time ticking away from her.

"No time," Bella said. She glanced behind Mira and frowned before looking back at the other female. "Just get in there. I'll let you out."

Mira frowned, not really sure if she should trust her. Her eyes glowed softly while she looked at Bella's aurora was blue as well as pink. This meant that Bella was being loyal and wanted a friendship with her.

"Trust me," Bella said. She gave her an encouraging smile, trying to make the other female trust her. "I promise that I will not leave you in there."

Mira frowned before nodded her head. Her heart started to pound, because she could sense Tony was close. "Ok," she said, giving in. She went into the locker and sat down while Bella closed the locker. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and she was nervous. "Let's hope that she won't leave me in here," she whispered, pulling her legs close to her chest.

Mira took a deep breath and waited in the calm before the storm.

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