Chapter 13 (Edited)

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For two weeks, Mira stayed with the Reeds, and she couldn't help but actually enjoy it. Judy has been nothing but kind to her, and Mira couldn't help but think Judy as a mother that she never had.

Raymond was kind as well. However, Mira could tell that he was a little cautious of her. She didn't know if he suspected her not to be human, like she was trying to get them to believe. He would tense up when Mira would walk into the room and then make a quick exit out of the room. He normally did not say a word to her, but Mira was fine with that. She was used to being ignored.

Tony, well... Tony was just being Tony. Every day, for the past two weeks, he tried to make sure that Mira wouldn't hang out with Nikolai and Jeff, but she did. Some days he turned out to be a nice person to her, but other days, it seems as if they were not even on the same level of nice.

Bella had turned out to be her best friend and ally. Bella would try to make sure that Tony was in check and helped Mira out with any question that she had about the new world around them that Mira. Mira knew that Bella was curious about her past, and she was grateful that Bella didn't pursue the matter. Bella seemed to understand that Mira did not want to talk about what she had been through.

And, Nikolai, boy, Nikolai was getting on Mira's last nerves. Not only was he in all of her classes, Gabriel had thought that it'd be best that they practice together every night. Nikolai would try to push Mira past her limit, and he knew what to say to get on her nerves. He knew how to get the older female angry.

Most of the times that they spent together, it was mainly yelling at each other, and giving Gabriel a headache. However, Gabriel, nor Raphael, would let them separate from each other. They both said that Nikolai was there to help Mira.

Mira thought Nikolai was just there to be a nuisances, which was why she tried to stay away from him. Yet, they seem to be thick as thieves. He was everywhere she went, trying to become her friend.

"Hey!" Mira exclaimed, ducking at the last minute, to miss a fireball that Nikolai had thrown at her. She narrowed her eyes at him, her anger burning through. "What was that for?"

"You weren't paying attention," Nikolai responded. "'Sides, I thought you were supposed to be this huge hero?"

It was evening, and the two Angels were practicing their powers as well as having a mock fighting. They were in a secluded wooded place, where Nikolai was assigned to live. The place was close to the pack's borders, yet on the other side, so they didn't have to worry about Werewolves finding them.

"That was a long time ago," Mira muttered. She huffed remembering when people said that she was supposed to be this huge hero and protect the four realms. "And I don't think it's still true."

Nikolai snorted and rolled his eyes. He kept an eye on Mira while she debated the best way to attack him. "Says the one that had stopped a whole army by herself," he muttered.

"No thanks to you," Mira retorted. "I almost lost my life because of you."

Nikolai smirked. "Well, at least you got your powers to grow," he replied, smugly. "And, you wouldn't have known that you could freeze people, if it wasn't for me."

Mira scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Whatever," she said. She flew down to the ground and tucked her wings close to her body, letting them disappear into her clothing.

"Hey, we aren't done yet," Nikolai said, still flying around above her. He narrowed his eyes, because he had been almost close to defeating her. "Where are you going?"

"Bella is taking me to see this new romance movie," Mira replied. "It was supposed to be just her and Tony, but she said that it didn't feel right." She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and smirked. "So, she invited Jeff and I to go with her."

"And why not me?" Nikolai asked, flying down and landing in front of her.

"Because, you would have all ready been there," Gabriel replied, appearing in front of the two Angels. He tucked his arms across his chest and looked at them before looking fully at Mira. "I highly suggest that you don't see this movie, however."

"Why? It's just about the color gray," Mira replied, shrugging her shoulder. She frowned and furrowed her eyebrows together when she caught the look on Gabriel's face. "Isn't it?"

"He wouldn't approve of it," Gabriel said, pointing at the sky.

Mira eyes widened. Her face turned to a pinkish color and she couldn't help but look down. She started to feel very uncomfortable and couldn't help but wonder as to why people would go see it. "I-I think I'm just going to skip tonight then," she said. "I-I'll just walk. Ya, a walk sounds nice." She walked away from the group, still feeling slightly shy about what the movie meant.


Mira walked into the house, her face still red. She closed the door and sighed. "Oh, Lord have mercy," she muttered to herself, leaning against the door. She closed her eyes and shook her head, trying to calm her racing heart.

"Mira?" someone asked, causing her to open her eyes and see Tony looking at her with concern. He looked her up and down and tried to see if there were any bruising on her. Relief filled his eyes when he didn't find any. "Are you alright?"

Mira nodded her head. "Ya," she said, honestly. "I just..." Her blush deepened and she cleared her throat. She looked at the ground, moving her hands over each other. "...didn't know what Fifty Shades of Grey was about."

A small part of his lip turned up. "What did you think it was about?" he asked, teasingly. "Just the color gray and fifty shades of it?"

Mira glanced down and nodded her head again. "Ya," she said, causing him to shake his head and laugh. "It's not funny," she said, her accent coming out. "I just thought it was about that. I never thought people..." She shook her head and didn't finish her sentence. Mira knew that she would not be able to tell him that she was older than she let on.

Tony chuckled and nodded his head. "Of course," he teased. "So, are you still going to see it?"

Mira's eyes widened, her face turned red, and she quickly shook her head. "N-n-n-n-no," she stuttered.

He smirked while he moved closer to Mira, which caused her heart to start to pound. "What are you going to do then, little Angel?"

Mira gulped. "I-I don't know what you mean," she stuttered, cursing how her voice sounded slightly airy.

"What will you do?" he asked, seductively. He brushed his hand against her cheek. "You are so beautiful," he whispered. Lust shined in his eyes, and Mira did not know what he was trying to do.

Mira shook her head, knowing that he was trying to seduce her. She placed her hand on his chest and pushed him back, surprising him with her strength. "Leave me alone," she said, her voice wavering. "You do not care about me, so I suggest that you just leave." She shook her head and walked away.

"You will want me, Mira," Tony said. He did not say that he wanted her, which caused her heart to break. He wanted to toy with her, and Mira wasn't something to be toyed with.

Mira shook her head and snorted. "Whatever, Tony. Whatever." She ran towards her room, hating how Tony made her feel. Mira sighed and sat behind the door. Her heart still pounded, and she couldn't believe that she used her inhuman strength on him. She was glad that they were alone, or else she knew that there would be hell to raise. She was sure that Raymond would question if she was human or not.

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