Chapter 4 (Edited)

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Mira couldn't help but shudder as a cool wind blew past her, causing the hair on her arms to stand up. Her long hair blew the way that the wind did while she listened to the sounds of the forest.

Birds chirped here and there, and she couldn't help but wonder what they meant by something was weird in this small town. They wouldn't answer the curious female, only warning her to watch out.

A frown appeared on her face while she closed her eyes. She tried to pick up anything that was different, but she couldn't. And, she couldn't help but wonder if it was because Raphael had made sure that she had to learn by herself. All that she knew was that the animals were warning her to be cautious about the people.

Mira shook her head before she came upon a small lake. The setting sun shone on the lake's water, causing it to glisten like a million diamonds, while the sun started to go behind some mountains.

A small smile appeared on Mira's face, loving how peaceful this lake felt. If only my thoughts could mirror it, she thought sadly, her mind once again drifting over to Tony. She sighed and sat down, trying to relax.

She shook her head and pushed her uncertain feelings aside. Mira knew that she wasn't supposed to love a man, because some Angels were pure, or sort of pure.

A frown appeared on her face while Mira's mind started to drift to her... unsettling past before she blocked those thoughts. She didn't want those thoughts to ruin the peaceful moment she had, because she knew that it wouldn't last.


Run! birds cawed, causing Mira to instantly jerk from her thoughts as they flew by. Run! Fly! Fly away! They are coming!

"Who's coming," she whispered, hoping a bird or an animal would answer her. She got to her feet and looked around, her whole body tense. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she cursed herself for not bringing a weapon to fight off whomever was coming her way. "Tell me, who is coming?"

They're here! the birds chorused just as there was a rustling sound coming from her left.

Mira twirled towards that direction, the air glowing slightly as she started to conquer up her staff. She didn't know what was there, but she was ready and unafraid.

Mira's body was tense while adrenaline coursed through her body. She could feel her wings about to grow out of her back, but she tried her hardest to keep them in, while she waited for whatever it was to come out of the bush. She didn't want anyone to know that she was Angel.

A murderous growl sounded through the forest, causing multiple birds to squawk and fly away. A big, black wolf came out of the bush, his golden eyes looking like someone that she knew.

Mira's heart pounded from the adrenaline, but her body relaxed and a small smile appeared on her face. "Oh!" she exclaimed, causing the male wolf's ears to flick towards her. "Hello, there. You startled me half to death."

The Wolf grunted and looked around before glaring at her. His meaning was clear, he did not like it that she was by herself.

"What?" Mira asked, blinking confused. "I can be out here. I know how to protect myself." She turned back to the lake and closed her eyes, not caring that there was a six foot wolf behind her. The staff disappeared when she let her magic stop conquering it while she sat down. "It's so peaceful," she muttered, softly. "I wish I can just stay."

The Wolf nudged Mira's shoulder, and she couldn't help but gasp when she felt sparks on her skin.

"What was that?" she asked, turning to look at the Wolf stunned. Her mind reeled, and she knew that she was seeing a Werewolf. Why there were sparks, she couldn't tell anyone why. All she knew that Angels shouldn't have mates.

The Wolf laid down beside her and shrugged. He looked at her before looking out at the lake, before looking back at her, whining. The Wolf flicked his ears towards her before moving a bit away.

Mira cocked her head and looked at the Wolf. "What?" she asked, sounding sort of hurt. "Are you tired of me all ready?" She sighed and shook her head, before standing. "All right, I have to go back to the family I have been assigned with." Her face darkened. "The male hates me."

The Wolf whined, again before grabbing hold of her shirt and pulled slightly. He pulled her closer to him before letting go. A growl erupted from his chest, and she could see a battle brewing in the Wolf's eyes.

"What?" she asked. "Do you want me to stay?"

The Wolf growled and turned away from her. He was confusing, and Mira didn't like it one bit. One minute the Wolf seemed to want her, the next he didn't.

I know that he is a Werewolf, Mira thought to herself, frowning. I don't know if it is the Human or the Wolf that does not want me. He is quite confusing. Mira huffed and shook her head. "Whatever," she said, feeling annoyed. She turned away from the Wolf and walked away, ignoring the whine coming from the big Beast.

If he is a Werewolf and has a mate, then why do I feel attracted to him? she asked, her heart hurting because she left the Wolf there. I am dead and am not supposed to have a mate.

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