Chapter 1

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I coughed violently, and slumped against a wall. I had the plague. It was spreading everywhere through the township. I was 18, and had just witnessed my entire family die from the plague. But before they passed, they managed to share the deadly disease with me.

I felt bile rise in my stomach. I sat forward and threw up. I leant against the wall again, clutching my stomach in pain. I groaned as I looked at my arm, it was turning an off, ugly colour that I am 99% sure is not supposed to be there.

"Miss?" A pretty, young girl with curly brown hair, and kind brown eyes said, as she walked up to me. "Are you okay?"

"Please, stay away. I am sick, I do not wish to make you as I am." I held my hands out weakly, signalling for her to back off from me.

She chuckled and stepped forward. "I am a vampire, I cannot die."

Her voice was proper and she held herself with dignity, something I had done before I ended up dying on the street. We both wore large dresses with corsets and lace, the difference was that mine was covered with blood and vomit.

I frowned at her. "This cannot be."

"I will save you, if you wish to be saved." She said kindly, bringing her wrist up to her mouth and biting into it. I watched, utterly confused, as small dots of blood showed themselves.

My vision went blurry for a brief moment, and I hugged my arms gently, as I was getting chills. Even despite my cold temperature, I was sweating like crazy.

The lady kneeled down next to me and put her bleeding wrist into my mouth. I tried to struggle, but I was getting weaker by the second.

She took her wrist away from my mouth and stepped back.

"What is your name?" She asked me.

"Victoria." I muttered, getting weaker and weaker by the second. "And yours?"

"Katerina." She smiled at me. "I promise, you will be better when you awaken."

I frowned, my eyes falling shut and her friendly face faded out of my vision.


I slowly opened my eyes. I was lying in a room in a large mansion. I had never been in something so large and extravagant. My family were not rich, which I guess is a given, since we all contracted the plague.

I sat up slowly, trying to piece together the story of how I came here. I looked around the room to see Katerina sitting on a chair in the corner of the room. She was dressed differently, still in a large corseted dress, but it was a different colour and style. I was still in my rotten, dirty dress.

I had bloodstains through my long, blonde hair and my light blue eyes were tired and worn. I could not get the image of my dying family out of my brain. I had a sister, a mum and a dad.

"What has happened, how did I get better. They said that there was no antidote." I asked politely, yet showing my confusion through my facial expression. I feel different, a weird different.

"I have turned you into a vampire. You must feed on human blood to live. I do not wish the plague upon my worst enemy, so I had to heal you." Katerina explained, walking over to the door. "I bought you something."

I frowned as she opened the door to the room. A young girl, probably a servant, judging by her clothes, walked in to the room. Katerina walked over to me, helping me off the bed. I took her hand and she led me over to the girl.

I watched as Katerina's face switched from her kind, friendly and proper face to a demonic expression. She had peculiar veins under her eyes, and they were moving around. The whites of her eyes went blood red, and she had pointy fangs where her canines usually sat.

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