Chapter 8

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It has been 3 days since Nik became a Hybrid and I lost my best friend.

I had shut myself in Kol's room, not letting anyone in, not even Kol.

Truth be told, I was not coping well. I was having nightmares, flashbacks and hallucinations of all the times Katherine and I spent together.

I was huddled up in the bed, and I had not moved or eaten. After Bekah and Kol got me home, I went straight up to Kol's room and locked the door and curled up into bed.

"Miss? Are you okay?" Katherine asked.

"Please, stay away. I am sick, I do not wish to make you as I am." I held my hands out weakly, signalling for her to back off from me.

She chuckled and stepped forward. "I am a vampire, I cannot die."

I gasped and sat forward, breathing heavily. I closed my eyes for a second, then fell back down into the pillows and blankets.

Kol's P.O.V

I am overjoyed that I found my soulmate. Up until the moment I laid eyes on her I had not believed that it was true.

Tori was the most beautiful person I had ever met, her eyes were beautiful, and I could stare into them all day. I had never thought that I would ever feel like this over a girl. She did not change me, or who I was, and I was grateful for that. But she did show me what it felt like to love someone.

Ever since Katherine had died, she locked herself in my room. I spent most of my time sitting in the hallway outside the door. I hear her crying and having nightmares, and I ask her to let me in but she ignores me.

Nik, Bekah, Damon and Elena have tried to talk to her, but she will not see anyone, she just ignores them. I am not talking to Nik, it is his fault this is happening and I will not forgive him until Tori does.

I heard Tori screaming and tossing and turning around in the bed.

"Tori, let me in!" I yelled, knocking at the door. She did not answer, but continued to yell and cry.

I had had enough of this, she needs to eat or shower or at least get out of bed. I kicked the door open, and Tori was rolling around in bed, asleep. She was covered in sweat, and tears were pouring out her closed eyes.

The bed was a mess, pillows and covers everywhere. I sat down on the bed, and put my hand on her forehead. She stopped moving as soon as I touched her, she was shaking and shivering still though.

"Victoria?" I asked, stroking her hair out of her face. She frowned slightly, and moved closer to me.

"Kol?" She whispered, her voice hoarse from yelling.

"It is okay, I am here." I soothed her, running my fingers through her knotted hair.

She smiled slightly, then opened her eyes. They were red and sore from crying, and she looked like she hadn't had a proper sleep in ages.

"Let's get you in the shower." I said, picking her up and walking over to the bathroom.

Tori looked up at me, as I sat her down on the edge of the bath. "I am sorry." She whispered, tears threatening to spill over onto her cheeks. She hugged herself closely, her arms wrapped over her chest and her hands gripped onto her upper arms.

"It is okay." I smiled, turning on the shower and helping her out of her clothes. She shivered at the water hit her skin.

I went out of the room to choose her some comfy clothes to wear, so I picked some comfy looking undies and one of my shirts she had in her suitcase for some reason. I smiled softly, she is too cute.

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