Chapter 13

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I was currently standing by Niklaus's side, watching Stefan tie Elena down to the chair in the basement. A nurse walked in, with blood bags and cables and cords. She hooked Elena up to the machine, and it started to drain her blood.

Niklaus had his arm wrapped tightly around my waist, and I stood close to his side. I had not seen Kol since we argued. I was, of course, worried about him, but I did not to make that obvious.

" I-I?" Elena suddenly mumbled, waking up slowly.

"Sorry, love, but I need your blood for my hybrids before I turn you into a vampire." Nik smirked.

"W-What!?" Elena frowned, trying to break out of the ropes.

Stefan just stood to the side, frowning and not moving. Elena looked up at him and mouthed 'help me'. Stefan just looked straight passed her, as if he did not recognise her.

"What did you do to him!?" Elena yelled, starting to struggle more and more.

"I made him better." Nik said staring down Elena, tightening his grip on my waist.

"What? Have you given up on Kol already?" Elena said, turning to me. "Switched brothers? God you really are Kather*ine's friend."

I could not hold in my rage, how dare she speak ill of Katherine? How dare she insult me on my friend choices, like she was any better?!

Nik could see that I was getting angry, and he held me closer with both arms.

I just pushed him off and sped over to Elena, punching her in the nose. She screamed and fell back in the chair. Before she hit the ground, I grabbed her by the collar, and pulled her back up so the chair was up right.

"Don't you ever say anything like that to me again, or you will not live to see another second of light and I will ensure that you feel pain that you would never imagine!" I hissed at her. I let her go reluctantly. "I am only letting you live for Niklaus's sake."

She nodded quickly and did not dare speak another word. I walked back over to Nik, and stood next to him.

"Nice touch, love." Nik whispered in my ear, slinging his arm around me again. I just smiled weakly.

"I think I might go and get some air." I muttered, pulling my jacket closer to my body and speeding out of the room and into the back garden.

I walked around the beautiful bushes and flowers, admiring the beauty of them. I realised that the one person that I did want to speak to was Katherine. So I concentrated really hard on her, waiting for the pains.

They did not come. I concentrated again, and I could feel Katherine's presence.

"Katherine!" I smiled, as I opened my eyes. She was standing a few metres away from me, her arms crossed and a smirk on her face.

"Hello, Victoria." Katherine greeted me, giving me a hug. "I watched your fight with Kol. Are you alright?"

"I guess." I shrugged. "How come it did not hurt to see you?"

"I don't know, I guess we got strong enough to build the bridge between the two planes without pain." Katherine suggested, taking the hint that I did not want to talk about Kol, I just wanted to talk to her.

"So, see any gossip lately?" I asked, nodding at her statement.

"Well, Tyler and Caroline are also potting against you. You killed Tyler's uncle and bit Caroline." Katherine said, picking her nails. "They hate you, the witch is scheming with them, you bit her...."

I huffed. I did not deserve friends, despite the fact that I did all of this to help my friends. They would not see it like that.

"So much for friends here..." I muttered, sitting down on a stone bench, Katherine taking her seat next to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2017 ⏰

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