Embarrassing Mum's

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*this starts off when (guy) charlie takes (girl) charlie to his house*

(i know what’s going on in your dirty little minds xD)


“Take your shoes off; mum is a extreme neat freak.”

Charlie chuckled and took of her Converse.

“Sweetheart, is that you?” Something clanked, and few seconds later, a woman appeared in the hallway.

“Hi, mum. I’ve got the ingredients. I had to buy the Skim milk though, they were all out of the other one,” he said as he handed the plastic bag to Mrs. Anderson.

“Thanks, love,” she leaned on her tippy toes to give him a kiss on the cheek and her gaze flitted to Charlie, as she tugged on her hair awkwardly, standing behind her son. “And who is this young lady?”

“Mum, this is Charlie. Charlie, my mum ,” he tugged on her wrist so they stood side by side. Her hand brushed his ever so slightly and she shivered.

Mrs. Anderson’s eyes light up, “Oh! Is this girl you were talking about? Non-stop, may I add,” she smirked and moved dangerously close to her. “Oh, sweetheart, look at her! She is everything you described; such a beauty, and my, my, you two even have the same first names!” Mrs. Anderson squealed like a schoolgirl, and both of them took a step back.

They blushed profusely. Mum can be so embarrassing sometimes, Charlie thought and face-palmed himself. Charlie just stood there timid and shy. Though, he thought that he saw her lips curved up into a smirk.

Mrs. Anderson moved even closer, if possible to Charlie to pinch her cheeks, but before she could, her son moved his hand and blocked his mother. “Mum, please stop,” he tried to do the thing in the movies where the parent and child telepathically communicated, but he failed miserably and it looked like his eyes were twitching.

Mrs. Anderson pouted, “But-”

Mum,” he stressed. “Charlie and I are going upstairs, okay? Bye,” he tugged on Charlie’s hand and led her upstairs.

“Cheers! And leave the door open, sweetheart. Oh, and have fun!” She winked at both of them and gave her son a thumbs up.

He ushered her inside and slammed the door shut.

“Well, someone’s in a hurry, and I never knew you secretly talked about me with your mum,” Charlie smirked at him.

Ugh, please shut it. Mum can be...weird sometimes,” he pinched the bridge of his nose and fell back on his bed with a thud.

“No, I really think she is the best. Better than you, at least,” she laughed loudly and surveyed the room. The theme was blue, blue and blue and quotes were all over the walls, even some on the ceilings.

Huh,  I wonder how he got them up there, she thought.

“Aw, I thought I was your favourite!” He pouted at her. “You can sit down, you know? I swear I won’t do anything,” he said and grinned at her. She warily looked him and sat on his work table, a safe distance away from.

“Well, you certainly thought wrong.”

“How can you instantly like my mum better when you’ve only known her for a couple of minutes and me for almost a month?!”

“Well, lets see...she seemed funny, nice, pretty, and she doted on me and said I’m a beauty,” she listed them off on her fingers. “Enough traits for me to take a liking of her.”  

“Ahh, I get it now,” he suddenly jumped of the bed, walked and stood right in front of Charlie.

She leaned back nervously, “Get that you are a meanie and no fun?”

He smirked and leaned in close, “Oh, sweetheart, you just bruised my ego to last for a life time.”

“Ohhh, achievement,” she shrugged indifferently.

He leaned in closer and put his lips right next to her ear. No, no, no, dear God, what the hell is he doing?! She thought and snapped her eyes shut.

“Charlie, I think you’re implying that you want me to dote upon you and call you beautiful,” his breath tickled her neck as he whispered.

She snapped her eyes open, breathless and upon seeing his wide grin, she pushed him back roughly. “N-no, I didn’t!”

“Oh yes you did, sweetheart!”

“Don’t call me that, you numbskull!”

“You know you like it, sweetie!”

“No, I don’t, you-you, jackass!”

He bent over and laughed, “Oh Charlie, I love it when you get all flustered. It’s so cut-” he stopped himself short when he realized what he had said.

She looked at him and the sentence I love it when you get all flustered zoomed around her brain. Did he really say that? Was he honestly about to call me ‘cute’? The intensity of his gaze made her nervous, so she cast her eyes down. A beat of silence and she felt warm fingers lift up her chin. She looked everywhere, but at his eyes. Not his eyes, not his eyes, because I will give in to my urge, she kept repeating it again and again.

“Look at me, Charlie,” he spoke softly.

She fixed her gaze right between his eyes.

“Don't try that, I know that trick. Look at me properly,” he gave her a soft reassuring smile.

She made the mistake and looked him in the eyes. I shouldn't have, dear God, no, I shouldn’t have, because as soon as her gaze flitted to his, he cupped her cheeks, titled his head ever so slightly and leaned in.

Their lips were mere inches apart, just like the last time. It was a matter of a slight dip and they would have been kissing.

Charlie almost, almost gave into her urge and leaned in, but in the last second a thought flitted through her mind: Why the fuck are you messing with his feelings? You want him to get hurt? Barely noticeable, but it made her abruptly stop whatever was going to happen and she pushed him away and jumped down from the table.

“I-I,” she tried to explain, but the hurt and confusion that was displayed on Charlie’s features rendered her speechless. Dear God, what have I done? Tears brimmed her eyes and she took a tentative step towards him but he remained statue still. She wanted to explain, but she couldn’t. “I’m so sorry Charlie,” she choked out and like a coward, ran out of his room and past his mum and out the front door and she didn't stop running until she was in the safety of her bedroom, and then she let her tears fall.


a/n: i love charlie's mum, she's so funny xD

ooooohhhh, they almost kissed!! *hides so she doesn't get killed by angry fans*

buttt, i'll make it up in the next chapter, y'all will love it (i hope) 

dedicated to pesto for saving me the trouble to put the parentheses, thank you so much! <33

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