Racing and kisses

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"Hey, Charlie? Let's play a game."

"Noooo, I don't feel like it."

"Come on, please?"


"Pretty please? I'll buy you  French vanilla afterwards!"


“Uhh, fine, yea.”

"Okay fine," she got up and rubbed her hands together. "What're we playing?"


"Racing? Are you kidding me?" She sounded incredulous.

"Yep, and nope." He stood up and brushed the grass blades off his kneecaps. "Come on, get up," he pulled her up. "Okay, so here's the deal: if you win, I get you a extra large French vanilla and if I win...I get a kiss from you," he smirked.

"You perverted person!" She jokingly pushed him and he actually stumbled a few steps back. "You can kiss me when I'm a ugly corpse in my grave, but you'll never get to kiss me when I'm alive!" She folded her arms across her chest and smiled triumphantly.

"We'll see, we'll see," he smiled evilly. He was in the cross country team, and thought he had an advantage over her, but what he didn't know was that was also on track and she was just as good as him, or maybe even better.

"I can almost taste that extra large French vanilla on my lips," she mmmhed.

"And I can almost feel your French Vanilla scented lips on mine," he barked out a laugh when she smacked him upside the head. They took their hoodies, and placed them around to make a track. 

"On the count of three."



"Three!" The screamed together and fired off

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