Chapter 2: Past Reunion

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Just as I was about to leave the nursing home, the chime rang out, signaling someone's arrival. Out of habit, I was about to greet the visitor when I noticed who it was. The bright blonde hair had been showered with snow but the crystal earring glistened in the light.

"Sting?" I uttered. The boy in question also seemed aghast.

"It's you again," he said. He suddenly seemed worried, almost ashamed. "Um, I didn't realize there would be anyone here. You, uh, work here?" I shook my head. A sudden realization came to me.

"I don't mean to be rude but... Is your father's name Weisslogia?" I asked. Sting flinched.

"Um, actually yeah," he responded. "He's staying here. I, I'm sorry if you met him. I know he can be kind of a pain in the ass." He seemed to suddenly ramble on. "He was kind of the reason we moved here. He heard that his old friend had been spotted, but he was in bad condition. The guy's too stubborn to stay at home the way things were so we came here. I figured it would be better for him to stay with people like him and possibly he would feel better about what happened back home. Well, our old home. This town's our new home, but don't think it's too weird. I'm not lame or anything. It's just-"

"I get it," I said smiling. My opinion of this kid improved. "Your secret's safe with me. I won't let anyone at school know. And I've met your father too. His friend that he's been looking for just happens to be my own father. I guess that means you and I could be..."

"Friends?" he finished.

"Yeah," I agreed. Just then, Sting frowned and turned away from my gaze, his blue eyes flickering with an unreadable expression.

"Actually," he began. "I don't think that would be okay. I apologize but you're just not..." I grimaced and let out a sigh. Gajeel had done the same kind of thing when he met me for the first time. Rejection.

"That's alright. If you don't want to associate yourself with a nerd like me, then I won't be offended," I said. "You're not the first." And he won't be the last. All the others avoided me all the same. Even Wendy didn't want to be seen with me, and she was almost invisible herself. But at least Sting and I shared a little connection. Besides my parents, I never knew any of my other relatives. So to even meet Weisslogia and Sting was somewhat exhilarating.

Sting flashed a guilty smile, and it was not to be blamed. It was just me that was disgusting. A while back, I got beat up for being the teacher's pet. I wasn't really, but my grades took me places in elementary school and these bullies had taken a knife and gone psycho on me. But things happened and I guess I snapped.

I suppose I blacked out or something. When I woke up, the others were gone but I had received a deep gash across my nose. It was a scar that never healed, and I had to carry the burden with me. A few days later, it was reported that the bullies had gone missing. Nobody ever saw them again. Many kids started to avoid me or attack me verbally. If Sting honestly wanted me to stay away, then that was fine with me.

At least Yukino was okay with me and Minerva liked to have a food sampler handy that didn't eat all the food (#NatsuTheHumanVacuum).

"Anyway, I'll see you around," I told him. "See you." Sting nodded towards me.

"Yeah, have a nice night," he replied dryly. I hurriedly took my leave and exited the building, greeting the frigid winds. The walk back wasn't as cold as earlier so I made it to my house at the edge of town with a few hours of sunlight left to spare. My house wasn't big by any means, but it was all I could sustain. My father had paid it off so I really didn't have a reason for an apartment, even if it meant being far away from the academy. Most of my life was inside this house so I couldn't let it rot away. It always looked somewhat abandoned as is. But I sometimes wonder... Is it still a home if you're all alone?

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